
Initialising the provena client

To use the provena client, you will need to provide both auth and config objects to select the authentication method, and configuration details for the Provena instance you would like to interface with.

Replace my-provena.cloud with the URL of the Provena instance and change realm_name value to the appropriate Keycloak realm.

client_config = Config(
auth = DeviceFlow(config=client_config, client_id="client-tools")

client = ProvenaClient(auth=auth, config=client_config)
await client.datastore.get_health_check()

Finding and searching items from the Registry

Fetching items from the Registry

You can fetch any item from the Registry using general_fetch_item() and the id of the item.

res = await client.registry.general_fetch_item(id=id)
print(f"{res.item['display_name']} {res.item['item_subtype']}")

Each sub-type has an associated fetch() too.

res = await client.registry.model_run.fetch(id=id)

You can use the ID of an item if you know ahead of time, or you can list them.

Listing items in the Registry

General list function

You can list items from the Registry using list_general_registry_items(). This function expects an instance of GeneralListRequest and returns a generic result list.

from ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI import GeneralListRequest
general_list_request = GeneralListRequest(

res = await client.registry.list_general_registry_items(general_list_request)

Sub-type list function

You can also list item from the sub-type modules via list_items(). In this case, it will only return a list of registry items of that sub-type. You may need to cast the returned object into Responses using the pydantic parse_obj_as().

from pydantic import parse_obj_as

list_model_run_workflow = await client.registry.model_run_workflow.list_items(list_items_payload=general_list_request)
model_run_workflow_templates = parse_obj_as(ModelRunWorkflowTemplateListResponse, list_model_run_workflow)

print(f"Found {model_run_workflow_templates.total_item_count} model_run_workflow_templates")

Iterate over the list response like so.

for item in model_run_workflow_templates.items:
    m = parse_obj_as(ItemModelRunWorkflowTemplate, item)

Listing dataset items

Datasets are special. List them this way from the client library’s datastore module.

list_dataset = await client.datastore.list_all_datasets()
print(f"Found {len(list_dataset)} datasets")
for item in list_dataset:
    d = parse_obj_as(ItemDataset, item)

Search for items

Provena provides a general search engine to search all items in the Registry. Currently the search results return a QueryResult object with:

  • status (Search result success or failure with success and details attributes)

  • results (list of results of id and score attributes for each result)

  • warnings

qres = await client.search.search_registry(query="fire", limit=10, subtype_filter=ItemSubType.DATASET)
assert qres.status.success
for r in qres.results:
    print(f"{r.id} {r.score}")
  • subtype_filter can be None if you want to search over all subtypes

  • limit can also be None to unrestrict the number of returned items

Using the returned id for a result, you can issue a fetch request (see above).


Registering items creates an object in the registry with required metadata/payload values and issues a unique ID (via Handle).

See the following Provena docs section for more info on the Registry: https://docs.provena.io/registry/

Registering datasets

Background information about registering a dataset in Provena is found here: https://docs.provena.io/data-store/registering-a-dataset.html

Minting a dataset.

register_response = await client.datastore.mint_dataset(dataset_mint_info=metadata)
assert register_response.status.success
print(f"Created Dataset Handle: {register_response.handle}. Access entity link: https://hdl.handle.net/{register_response.handle}")

The dataset may already exists and instead of minting, you may want to version it. Find out more about versioning here: https://docs.provena.io/versioning/versioning-overview.html

First we must find the latest version of the dataset. One way to do this would be to use the following function.

async def latest_version_of_dataset(dataset_id):
    fetch_resp = await client.datastore.fetch_dataset(id=dataset_id)
    if fetch_resp.item.versioning_info.next_version == None or fetch_resp.item.versioning_info.next_version == "":
        #assume this was the latest version
        return dataset_id
        latest_version = await latest_version_of_dataset(fetch_resp.item.versioning_info.next_version)
        return latest_version

Then apply that function…

print(f"Find the latest version of this dataset {dataset_item.id}")
latest_version = await latest_version_of_dataset(dataset_item.id)    
#use the latest_version id for the version request
version_request = VersionRequest(
        reason="Updating dataset"
register_response = await client.datastore.version_dataset(version_request=version_request)
print(f"New Version of Dataset Handle: {register_response.new_version_id}. Access entity link: https://hdl.handle.net/{register_response.new_version_id}")

This creates a new dataset with its metadata copied over. We will then update the dataset metadata.

register_response = await client.datastore.update_dataset_metadata(handle_id=register_response.new_version_id, 
                                                                       reason="Updating metadata for new version", 

Registering a model run

Build the payload

from ProvenaInterfaces.ProvenanceAPI import ModelRunRecord, TemplatedDataset, DatasetType, AssociationInfo
from ProvenaInterfaces.AsyncJobAPI import JobStatus

# Building the Model Run Payload.
model_run_payload = ModelRunRecord(
    model_version = None, 
    inputs = [
    display_name="Notebook Model Run Testing",
    description="Standard Provena Model Run Example",

Register the payload

model_run_register_result = await client.prov_api.register_model_run(model_run_payload=model_run_payload)
# Check the response of the model run registration
print("Status of registration", model_run_register_result.status)
print("Job Session ID", model_run_register_result.session_id)
# Check the job to see if it's complete. We will do this by polling the job_api
job_result = await client.job_api.await_successful_job_completion(session_id=model_run_register_result.session_id)

while job_result.status != JobStatus.SUCCEEDED: # Keep polling on this cell till this turns to "SUCCEEDED"
    job_result = await client.job_api.await_successful_job_completion(session_id=model_run_register_result.session_id)

print("Current job status:", job_result.status) 

Inspect the result of a successful model run record registration.

from pprint import pprint
model_run_record = job_result.result["record"]

To understand more about what it means to register a model run, see https://docs.provena.io/provenance/registering-model-runs/registration-process/overview.html.

Registering other items via the Registry

Other than Dataset and Model Run, registering all other registry subtypes is straightforward. You will need to instantiate the relevant DomainInfo payload. Then use the sub-type module in the registry client module to create the item.

We will show a workflow for a “Model” sub-type below, however, you can substitute this for other types, i.e. Dataset Template, Model Run Workflow Template, Organisation, Person, Study.

First build the DomainInfo payload for the Model subtype using ModelDomainInfo.

from ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryModels import *

model_payload = ModelDomainInfo(
    name=model_item_payload['name'] , 

Register the Model subtype instance via create_item().

model_register_result = await client.registry.model.create_item(create_item_request=model_payload)
assert model_register_result.status.success

Just like a Dataset, the item may already exists and instead of creating the item, you may want to version it. Find out more about versioning here: https://docs.provena.io/versioning/versioning-overview.html

First we must find the latest version of the item. One way to do this would be to use the following function. We will continue using the Model example.

One way to find the latest version of the item for the Model subtype is:

async def latest_version_of_model(item_id):
    fetch_resp = await client.registry.model.fetch(id=item_id)
    if fetch_resp.item.versioning_info.next_version == None or fetch_resp.item.versioning_info.next_version == "":
        #assume this was the latest version
        return item_id
        latest_version = await latest_version_of_model(fetch_resp.item.versioning_info.next_version)
        return latest_version

We can then apply latest_version_of_model() in the steps to register a new version of the Model.

latest_version = await latest_version_of_model(model_item.id)
print(f"Find the latest version of this  {model_item.id}")
latest_version = await latest_version_of_model(model_item.id)    
print(f"Latest version: {latest_version}")
#use the latest_version id for the version request
version_request = VersionRequest(
   reason="Updating model"
register_response = await client.registry.model.version_item(version_request=version_request)
print(f"New Version of Model Handle: {register_response.new_version_id}. Access entity link: https://hdl.handle.net/{register_response.new_version_id}")

#update the metadata
register_response = await client.registry.model.update(id=register_response.new_version_id, 
                                                                       reason="Updating metadata for new version", 