Source code for provenaclient.auth.manager

Created Date: Monday June 17th 2024 +1000
Author: Peter Baker
Last Modified: Monday June 17th 2024 4:45:39 pm +1000
Modified By: Peter Baker
Description: Auth Manager interface which defines key methods for authorising API requests in the provena client
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from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from provenaclient.auth.helpers import HttpxBearerAuth
from typing import Optional, Literal
from enum import Enum
import logging

[docs] class Log(Enum): DEBUG = logging.DEBUG INFO = logging.INFO WARNING = logging.WARNING ERROR = logging.ERROR
# Type alias so we can type the function properly using high level types LogType = Literal[Log.DEBUG, Log.INFO, Log.WARNING, Log.ERROR] DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL = Log.ERROR
[docs] class AuthManager(ABC): # This must logger: logging.Logger def __init__(self, log_level: Optional[LogType] = None) -> None: # Create a logger self.logger = logging.getLogger('auth-logger') # LOGGING LEVEL self.logger.setLevel( log_level.value if log_level else DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL.value) # Create a console handler and set its log level console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() console_handler.setLevel(log_level.value if log_level else DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL.value) # Create a formatter and set it for the console handler formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') console_handler.setFormatter(formatter) # Add the handler to the logger self.logger.addHandler(console_handler)
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_token(self) -> str: """Get token information and other metadata.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def force_refresh(self) -> None: """ Force refresh the current token""" pass
[docs] def get_auth(self) -> HttpxBearerAuth: """A helper function which produces a BearerAuth object for use in the httpx library. For example: manager = DeviceFlow(...) auth = manager.get_auth, auth=auth) Returns ------- BearerAuth The httpx auth object. Raises ------ Exception Raises exception if tokens/public_key are not setup - make sure that the object is instantiated properly before calling this function. Exception If the token is invalid and cannot be refreshed. Exception If the token validation still fails after re-conducting the device flow. """ token = self.get_token() return HttpxBearerAuth(token=token)