Source code for provenaclient.clients.id_service_client

Created Date: Friday May 31st 2024 +1000
Author: Peter Baker
Last Modified: Friday May 31st 2024 9:50:26 am +1000
Modified By: Peter Baker
Description: ID/Handle service L2 Client
Date      	By	Comments
----------	---	---------------------------------------------------------

18-06-2024 | Peter Baker | Noting that the models published for the endpoints are not being detected in Swagger docs due to a type Alias being used

from provenaclient.auth.manager import AuthManager
from provenaclient.utils.config import Config
from enum import Enum
from provenaclient.utils.helpers import *
from provenaclient.clients.client_helpers import *
from ProvenaInterfaces.HandleAPI import *

[docs] class IdServiceEndpoints(str, Enum): """An ENUM containing the handle api endpoints.""" GET_ADMIN_CONFIG = "/admin/config" GET_ADMIN_SENTRY_DEBUG = "/admin/sentry-debug" GET_CHECK_ACCESS_CHECK_GENERAL_ACCESS = "/check-access/check-general-access" GET_CHECK_ACCESS_CHECK_ADMIN_ACCESS = "/check-access/check-admin-access" GET_CHECK_ACCESS_CHECK_READ_ACCESS = "/check-access/check-read-access" GET_CHECK_ACCESS_CHECK_WRITE_ACCESS = "/check-access/check-write-access" POST_HANDLE_MINT = "/handle/mint" POST_HANDLE_ADD_VALUE = "/handle/add_value" POST_HANDLE_ADD_VALUE_BY_INDEX = "/handle/add_value_by_index" GET_HANDLE_GET = "/handle/get" GET_HANDLE_LIST = "/handle/list" PUT_HANDLE_MODIFY_BY_INDEX = "/handle/modify_by_index" POST_HANDLE_REMOVE_BY_INDEX = "/handle/remove_by_index" GET_HEALTH_CHECK = "/"
# L2 interface.
[docs] class IdServiceClient(ClientService): def __init__(self, auth: AuthManager, config: Config) -> None: """Initialises the IdServiceClient with authentication and configuration. Parameters ---------- auth : AuthManager An abstract interface containing the user's requested auth flow method. config : Config A config object which contains information related to the Provena instance. """ self._auth = auth self._config = config
[docs] def _build_endpoint(self, endpoint: IdServiceEndpoints) -> str: return self._config.handle_service_api_endpoint + endpoint.value
[docs] async def mint(self, body: MintRequest) -> Handle: """ Mints a new handle with given properties. Args: body (MintRequest): The payload Returns: Handle: The resulting handle object """ return await parsed_post_request( client=self, params={}, json_body=py_to_dict(body), url=self._build_endpoint(IdServiceEndpoints.POST_HANDLE_MINT), model=Handle, error_message=f"Failed to mint new handle." )
[docs] async def add_value(self, body: AddValueRequest) -> Handle: """ Adds value to a handle. Args: body (AddValueRequest): The value to add Returns: Handle: The handle object """ return await parsed_post_request( client=self, params={}, json_body=py_to_dict(body), url=self._build_endpoint(IdServiceEndpoints.POST_HANDLE_ADD_VALUE), model=Handle, error_message=f"Failed to add value to handle." )
[docs] async def add_value_by_index(self, body: AddValueIndexRequest) -> Handle: """ Adds a value at specified index Args: body (AddValueIndexRequest): The value to add Returns: Handle: The handle object """ return await parsed_post_request( client=self, params={}, json_body=py_to_dict(body), url=self._build_endpoint(IdServiceEndpoints.POST_HANDLE_ADD_VALUE_BY_INDEX), model=Handle, error_message=f"Failed to add value by index to handle." )
[docs] async def list(self) -> ListResponse: """ Lists all handles under domain. Returns: ListResponse: The response list """ return await parsed_get_request( client=self, params={}, url=self._build_endpoint(IdServiceEndpoints.GET_HANDLE_LIST), model=ListResponse, error_message=f"Failed to list handles." )
[docs] async def modify_by_index(self, body: ModifyRequest) -> Handle: """ Modifies existing handle value at specified index Args: body (ModifyRequest): The request to modify Returns: Handle: The handle object """ return await parsed_post_request( client=self, params={}, json_body=py_to_dict(body), url=self._build_endpoint(IdServiceEndpoints.PUT_HANDLE_MODIFY_BY_INDEX), model=Handle, error_message=f"Failed to modify property by index." )
[docs] async def remove_by_index(self, body: RemoveRequest) -> Handle: """ Removes value at specified index Args: body (RemoveRequest): The removal request Returns: Handle: The handle object """ return await parsed_post_request( client=self, params={}, json_body=py_to_dict(body), url=self._build_endpoint(IdServiceEndpoints.POST_HANDLE_REMOVE_BY_INDEX), model=Handle, error_message=f"Failed to remove property by index." )