Source code for provenaclient.modules.registry

Created Date: Thursday June 6th 2024 +1000
Author: Peter Baker
Last Modified: Thursday June 6th 2024 1:39:55 pm +1000
Modified By: Peter Baker
Description: Registry API L3 module.
Date      	By	Comments
----------	---	---------------------------------------------------------

12-07-2024 | Parth Kulkarni | Adding some useful L3 methods to retrieve summarized info of registry items. 
28-06-2024 | Parth Kulkarni | Completion of Registry L3 interface with General, Admin and Other endpoints. 
18-06-2024 | Peter Baker | Initial proof of concept with fetch/update methods from L2. Sub Modules for each subtype.


from ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI import Any, DomainInfoBase
from ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryModels import Any, DomainInfoBase
from provenaclient.auth.manager import AuthManager
from provenaclient.models.general import HealthCheckResponse
from provenaclient.utils.config import Config
from provenaclient.modules.module_helpers import *
from provenaclient.clients import RegistryClient
from ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryModels import *
from ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI import *
from typing import Optional
from provenaclient.utils.helpers import convert_to_item_subtype, write_file_helper, get_and_validate_file_path
from abc import abstractmethod

DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME = "registry-api.env"

# L3 interface.

[docs] class RegistryAdminClient(ModuleService): _registry_client: RegistryClient def __init__(self, auth: AuthManager, config: Config, registry_client: RegistryClient) -> None: """ Admin sub module of the Registry API providing functionality for the admin endpoints. Parameters ---------- auth : AuthManager An abstract interface containing the user's requested auth flow method. config : Config A config object which contains information related to the Provena instance. auth_client: AuthClient The instantiated auth client """ self._auth = auth self._config = config # Clients related to the registry_api scoped as private. self._registry_client = registry_client
[docs] async def export_items(self) -> RegistryExportResponse: """Provides a mechanism for admins to dump the current contents of the registry table without any validation/parsing. Returns ------- RegistryExportResponse A status response including items in the payload """ return await self._registry_client.admin.export_items()
[docs] async def import_items(self, registry_import_request: RegistryImportRequest) -> RegistryImportResponse: """This admin only endpoint enables rapid restoration of items in into the registry table. Parameters ---------- registry_import_request : RegistryImportRequest Contains the import mode, more info can be found on API docs. Returns ------- RegistryImportResponse Returns an import response which includes status + statistics. """ return await self._registry_client.admin.import_items( registry_import_request=registry_import_request )
[docs] async def restore_items_from_dynamo_table(self, restore_request: RegistryRestoreRequest) -> RegistryImportResponse: """Provides an admin only mechanism for copying/restoring the contents from another dynamoDB table into the currently active registry table. This endpoint does not create any new tables - it just uses the items from a restored table (e.g. from a backup) as inputs to an import operation against the current registry table. Parameters ---------- restore_request : RegistryRestoreRequest The restore request settings - these will be used when propagating the items from the external table. Returns ------- RegistryImportResponse Returns information about the import, including status and statistics. """ return await self._registry_client.admin.restore_items_from_dynamo_table( restore_request=restore_request )
[docs] async def generate_config_file(self, required_only: bool = True, file_path: Optional[str] = None, write_to_file: bool = False) -> str: """Generates a nicely formatted .env file of the current required/non supplied properties Used to quickly bootstrap a local environment or to understand currently deployed API. Parameters ---------- required_only : bool, optional By default True file_path: str, optional The path you want to save the config file at WITH the file name. If you don't specify a path this will be saved in a relative directory. write_to_file: bool, By default False A boolean flag to indicate whether you want to save the config response to a file or not. Returns ---------- str: Response containing the config text. """ file_path = get_and_validate_file_path(file_path=file_path, write_to_file=write_to_file, default_file_name=DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME) config_text: str = await self._registry_client.admin.generate_config_file(required_only=required_only) if config_text is None: raise ValueError(f"No data returned for generate config file endpoint.") # Write to file if config text is not None, write to file is True and file path is not None. if write_to_file: if file_path is None: raise ValueError("File path is not set for writing the CSV.") write_file_helper(file_path=file_path, content=config_text) return config_text
[docs] async def delete(self, id: str, item_subtype: Optional[ItemSubType] = None) -> StatusResponse: """Admin only endpoint for deleting item from registry. USE CAREFULLY! Parameters ---------- id : str ID of entity/item you want to delete. item_subtype : Optional[ItemSubType] Subtype of item you want to delete (E.g ORGANISATION, PERSON, CREATE) If not provided, it will be fetched from the registry. Returns ------- StatusResponse Response indicating the success/failure of your request. """ if item_subtype is None: fetch_item = await self._registry_client.general.general_fetch_item(id=id) if fetch_item.item: item_subtype_str: Optional[str] = fetch_item.item.get("item_subtype") item_subtype = convert_to_item_subtype(item_subtype_str) else: raise ValueError("Item not found") return await self._registry_client.admin.delete_item( id = id, item_subtype=item_subtype )
[docs] class RegistryBaseClass(ModuleService): _registry_client: RegistryClient def __init__(self, auth: AuthManager, config: Config, registry_client: RegistryClient, item_subtype: ItemSubType) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- auth : AuthManager An abstract interface containing the user's requested auth flow method. config : Config A config object which contains information related to the Provena instance. registry_client : RegistryClient The registry client to use for registry interactions. item_subtype : ItemSubType The subtype of the item (e.g., ORGANISATION, PERSON). """ self._auth = auth self._config = config self._registry_client = registry_client self.item_subtype = item_subtype
[docs] async def admin_delete(self, id: str) -> StatusResponse: """Admin only endpoint for deleting item from registry. USE CAREFULLY! Parameters ---------- id : str ID of entity/item you want to delete. Returns ------- StatusResponse Response indicating the success/failure of your request. """ return await self._registry_client.admin.delete_item( id = id, item_subtype=self.item_subtype )
[docs] async def revert_item(self, revert_request: ItemRevertRequest) -> ItemRevertResponse: """ Reverts an item in the registry based on item subtype. Parameters ---------- revert_request : ItemRevertRequest The revert request Returns ------- ItemRevertResponse The revert response """ return await self._registry_client.revert_item( revert_request=revert_request, item_subtype=self.item_subtype )
[docs] async def get_schema(self) -> JsonSchemaResponse: """ Gets the schema for the item subtype Returns ------- JsonSchemaResponse The JSON schema response """ return await self._registry_client.get_schema( item_subtype=self.item_subtype )
[docs] async def evaluate_auth_access(self, id: str) -> DescribeAccessResponse: """ Evaluates the auth access for an item based on item subtype. Parameters ---------- id : str The item ID Returns ------- DescribeAccessResponse The describe access response """ return await self._registry_client.evaluate_auth_access( id=id, item_subtype=self.item_subtype )
[docs] async def get_auth_configuration(self, id: str) -> AccessSettings: """ Gets the auth configuration for an item based on item subtype. Parameters ---------- id : str The item ID Returns ------- AccessSettings The access settings """ return await self._registry_client.get_auth_configuration( id=id, item_subtype=self.item_subtype )
[docs] async def modify_auth_configuration(self, id: str, auth_change_request: AccessSettings) -> StatusResponse: """ Modifies the auth configuration for an item based on item subtype. Parameters ---------- id : str The item ID auth_change_request : AccessSettings The auth change request Returns ------- StatusResponse The status response """ return await self._registry_client.modify_auth_configuration( id=id, auth_change_request=auth_change_request, item_subtype=self.item_subtype )
[docs] async def get_auth_roles(self) -> AuthRolesResponse: """ Gets the auth roles for the item subtype. Returns ------- AuthRolesResponse The auth roles response """ return await self._registry_client.get_auth_roles( item_subtype=self.item_subtype )
[docs] async def lock_resource(self, lock_resource_request: LockChangeRequest) -> StatusResponse: """ Locks a resource in the registry based on item subtype. Parameters ---------- lock_resource_request : LockChangeRequest The lock resource request Returns ------- StatusResponse The status response """ return await self._registry_client.lock_resource( lock_resource_request=lock_resource_request, item_subtype=self.item_subtype )
[docs] async def unlock_resource(self, unlock_resource_request: LockChangeRequest) -> StatusResponse: """ Unlocks a resource in the registry based on item subtype. Parameters ---------- unlock_resource_request : LockChangeRequest The unlock resource request Returns ------- StatusResponse The status response """ return await self._registry_client.unlock_resource( unlock_resource_request=unlock_resource_request, item_subtype=self.item_subtype )
[docs] async def get_lock_history(self, id: str) -> LockHistoryResponse: """ Gets the lock history for an item based on item subtype. Parameters ---------- id : str The item ID Returns ------- LockHistoryResponse The lock history response """ return await self._registry_client.get_lock_history( handle_id=id, item_subtype=self.item_subtype )
[docs] async def get_lock_status(self, id: str) -> LockStatusResponse: """ Gets the lock status for an item based on item subtype. Parameters ---------- id : str The item ID Returns ------- LockStatusResponse The lock status response """ return await self._registry_client.get_lock_status( id=id, item_subtype=self.item_subtype )
[docs] class OrganisationClient(RegistryBaseClass): _registry_client: RegistryClient def __init__(self, auth: AuthManager, config: Config, registry_client: RegistryClient) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- auth : AuthManager An abstract interface containing the user's requested auth flow method. config : Config A config object which contains information related to the Provena instance. registry_client : RegistryClient The registry client to use for registry interactions. """ super().__init__(auth=auth, config=config, registry_client=registry_client, item_subtype=ItemSubType.ORGANISATION)
[docs] async def fetch(self, id: str, seed_allowed: Optional[bool] = None) -> OrganisationFetchResponse: """ Fetches an organisation from the registry Args: id (str): The organisation ID seed_allowed (Optional[bool], optional): Allow seed items. Defaults to None. Returns: OrganisationFetchResponse: The fetch response """ return await self._registry_client.fetch_item( id=id, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, fetch_response_model=OrganisationFetchResponse, seed_allowed=seed_allowed )
[docs] async def update(self, id: str, domain_info: OrganisationDomainInfo, reason: Optional[str]) -> StatusResponse: """ Updates an organisation in the registry Args: id (str): The id of the organisation domain_info (OrganisationDomainInfo): The new domain info reason (Optional[str]): The reason if any Returns: StatusResponse: Status response """ return await self._registry_client.update_item( id=id, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, domain_info=domain_info, reason=reason, update_response_model=StatusResponse, )
[docs] async def list_items(self, list_items_payload: GeneralListRequest) -> OrganisationListResponse: """ Lists all organisations within the registry based on filter criteria. Parameters ---------- list_items_payload : GeneralListRequest Payload containing the filter/sort criteria Returns ------- OrganisationListResponse: The list response """ return await self._registry_client.list_items( list_items_payload=list_items_payload, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, update_model_response=OrganisationListResponse )
[docs] async def seed_item(self) -> OrganisationSeedResponse: """ Seeds an organisation in the registry Returns ------- OrganisationSeedResponse: The seed response """ return await self._registry_client.seed_item( item_subtype=self.item_subtype, seed_model_response=OrganisationSeedResponse )
[docs] async def create_item(self, create_item_request: OrganisationDomainInfo) -> OrganisationCreateResponse: """ Creates an organisation in the registry Parameters ---------- create_item_request : OrganisationDomainInfo The create item request Returns ------- OrganisationCreateResponse: The create response """ return await self._registry_client.create_item( create_item_request=create_item_request, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, create_response_model=OrganisationCreateResponse )
[docs] async def validate_item(self, validate_request: OrganisationDomainInfo) -> StatusResponse: """ Validates an organisation in the registry Parameters ---------- validate_request : OrganisationDomainInfo The validate request Returns ------- StatusResponse: The status response """ return await self._registry_client.validate_item( validate_request=validate_request, item_subtype=self.item_subtype )
[docs] class PersonClient(RegistryBaseClass): _registry_client: RegistryClient def __init__(self, auth: AuthManager, config: Config, registry_client: RegistryClient) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- auth : AuthManager An abstract interface containing the user's requested auth flow method. config : Config A config object which contains information related to the Provena instance. """ super().__init__(auth=auth, config=config, registry_client=registry_client, item_subtype=ItemSubType.PERSON)
[docs] async def fetch(self, id: str, seed_allowed: Optional[bool] = None) -> PersonFetchResponse: """ Fetches a person from the registry Args: id (str): The person ID seed_allowed (Optional[bool], optional): Allow seed items. Defaults to None. Returns: PersonFetch: The fetch response """ return await self._registry_client.fetch_item( id=id, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, fetch_response_model=PersonFetchResponse, seed_allowed=seed_allowed )
[docs] async def update(self, id: str, domain_info: PersonDomainInfo, reason: Optional[str]) -> StatusResponse: """ Updates a person in the registry Args: id (str): The id of the organisation domain_info (OrganisationDomainInfo): The new domain info reason (Optional[str]): The reason if any Returns: StatusResponse: Status response """ return await self._registry_client.update_item( id=id, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, domain_info=domain_info, reason=reason, update_response_model=StatusResponse, )
[docs] async def list_items(self, list_items_payload: GeneralListRequest) -> PersonListResponse: """Lists all person(s) within registry based on filter criteria. Parameters ---------- list_items_payload : GeneralListRequest Payload contaning the filter/sort criteria """ return await self._registry_client.list_items( list_items_payload=list_items_payload, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, update_model_response=PersonListResponse )
[docs] async def seed_item(self) -> PersonSeedResponse: """ Seeds a person in the registry Returns ------- PersonSeedResponse: The seed response """ return await self._registry_client.seed_item( item_subtype=self.item_subtype, seed_model_response=PersonSeedResponse )
[docs] async def create_item(self, create_item_request: PersonDomainInfo) -> PersonCreateResponse: """ Creates a person in the registry Parameters ---------- create_item_request : OrganisationDomainInfo The create item request Returns ------- PersonCreateResponse: The create response """ return await self._registry_client.create_item( create_item_request=create_item_request, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, create_response_model=PersonCreateResponse )
[docs] async def validate_item(self, validate_request: PersonDomainInfo) -> StatusResponse: """ Validates a person in the registry Parameters ---------- validate_request : PersonDomainInfo The validate request Returns ------- StatusResponse: The status response """ return await self._registry_client.validate_item( validate_request=validate_request, item_subtype=self.item_subtype )
[docs] class CreateActivityClient(RegistryBaseClass): _registry_client: RegistryClient def __init__(self, auth: AuthManager, config: Config, registry_client: RegistryClient) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- auth : AuthManager An abstract interface containing the user's requested auth flow method. config : Config A config object which contains information related to the Provena instance. registry_client : RegistryClient The registry client to use for registry interactions. """ super().__init__(auth=auth, config=config, registry_client=registry_client, item_subtype=ItemSubType.CREATE)
[docs] async def fetch(self, id: str, seed_allowed: Optional[bool] = None) -> CreateFetchResponse: """ Fetches a create activity item from the registry Args: id (str): The create activity item ID seed_allowed (Optional[bool], optional): Allow seed items. Defaults to None. Returns: CreateFetchResponse: The fetch response """ return await self._registry_client.fetch_item( id=id, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, fetch_response_model=CreateFetchResponse, seed_allowed=seed_allowed )
[docs] async def list_items(self, list_items_payload: GeneralListRequest) -> CreateListResponse: """ Lists all create activity items within the registry based on filter criteria. Parameters ---------- list_items_payload : GeneralListRequest Payload containing the filter/sort criteria Returns ------- CreateListResponse: The list response """ return await self._registry_client.list_items( list_items_payload=list_items_payload, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, update_model_response=CreateListResponse )
[docs] async def validate_item(self, validate_request: CreateDomainInfo) -> StatusResponse: """ Validates a create-item activity in the registry Parameters ---------- validate_request : CreateDomainInfo The validate request Returns ------- StatusResponse: The status response """ return await self._registry_client.validate_item( validate_request=validate_request, item_subtype=self.item_subtype )
[docs] async def create_item(self, create_item_request: DomainInfoBase) -> Any: pass
[docs] class VersionActivityClient(RegistryBaseClass): _registry_client: RegistryClient def __init__(self, auth: AuthManager, config: Config, registry_client: RegistryClient) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- auth : AuthManager An abstract interface containing the user's requested auth flow method. config : Config A config object which contains information related to the Provena instance. registry_client : RegistryClient The registry client to use for registry interactions. """ super().__init__(auth=auth, config=config, registry_client=registry_client, item_subtype=ItemSubType.VERSION)
[docs] async def fetch(self, id: str, seed_allowed: Optional[bool] = None) -> VersionFetchResponse: """ Fetches a version activity item from the registry Args: id (str): The version activity item ID seed_allowed (Optional[bool], optional): Allow seed items. Defaults to None. Returns: VersionFetchResponse: The fetch response """ return await self._registry_client.fetch_item( id=id, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, fetch_response_model=VersionFetchResponse, seed_allowed=seed_allowed )
[docs] async def list_items(self, list_items_payload: GeneralListRequest) -> VersionListResponse: """ Lists all version activity items within the registry based on filter criteria. Parameters ---------- list_items_payload : GeneralListRequest Payload containing the filter/sort criteria Returns ------- VersionListResponse: The list response """ return await self._registry_client.list_items( list_items_payload=list_items_payload, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, update_model_response=VersionListResponse )
[docs] async def validate_item(self, validate_request: VersionDomainInfo) -> StatusResponse: """ Validates a version activity in the registry Parameters ---------- validate_request : VersionDomainInfo The validate request Returns ------- StatusResponse: The status response """ return await self._registry_client.validate_item( validate_request=validate_request, item_subtype=self.item_subtype )
[docs] class ModelRunActivityClient(RegistryBaseClass): _registry_client: RegistryClient def __init__(self, auth: AuthManager, config: Config, registry_client: RegistryClient) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- auth : AuthManager An abstract interface containing the user's requested auth flow method. config : Config A config object which contains information related to the Provena instance. registry_client : RegistryClient The registry client to use for registry interactions. """ super().__init__(auth=auth, config=config, registry_client=registry_client, item_subtype=ItemSubType.MODEL_RUN)
[docs] async def fetch(self, id: str, seed_allowed: Optional[bool] = None) -> ModelRunFetchResponse: """ Fetches a model run activity item from the registry Args: id (str): The model run activity item ID seed_allowed (Optional[bool], optional): Allow seed items. Defaults to None. Returns: ModelRunFetchResponse: The fetch response """ return await self._registry_client.fetch_item( id=id, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, fetch_response_model=ModelRunFetchResponse, seed_allowed=seed_allowed )
[docs] async def list_items(self, list_items_payload: GeneralListRequest) -> ModelRunListResponse: """ Lists all model run activity items within the registry based on filter criteria. Parameters ---------- list_items_payload : GeneralListRequest Payload containing the filter/sort criteria Returns ------- ModelRunListResponse: The list response """ return await self._registry_client.list_items( list_items_payload=list_items_payload, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, update_model_response=ModelRunListResponse )
[docs] async def validate_item(self, validate_request: ModelRunDomainInfo) -> StatusResponse: """ Validates a model run in the registry Parameters ---------- validate_request : ModelRunDomainInfo The validate request Returns ------- StatusResponse: The status response """ return await self._registry_client.validate_item( validate_request=validate_request, item_subtype=self.item_subtype )
[docs] class ModelClient(RegistryBaseClass): _registry_client: RegistryClient def __init__(self, auth: AuthManager, config: Config, registry_client: RegistryClient) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- auth : AuthManager An abstract interface containing the user's requested auth flow method. config : Config A config object which contains information related to the Provena instance. """ super().__init__(auth=auth, config=config, registry_client=registry_client, item_subtype=ItemSubType.MODEL)
[docs] async def fetch(self, id: str, seed_allowed: Optional[bool] = None) -> ModelFetchResponse: """ Fetches a model from the registry Args: id (str): The model ID seed_allowed (Optional[bool], optional): Allow seed items. Defaults to None. Returns: ModelFetchResponse: The fetch response """ return await self._registry_client.fetch_item( id=id, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, fetch_response_model=ModelFetchResponse, seed_allowed=seed_allowed )
[docs] async def update(self, id: str, domain_info: ModelDomainInfo, reason: Optional[str]) -> StatusResponse: """ Updates a model in the registry Args: id (str): The id of the model domain_info (ModelDomainInfo): The new domain info reason (Optional[str]): The reason if any Returns: StatusResponse: Status response """ return await self._registry_client.update_item( id=id, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, domain_info=domain_info, reason=reason, update_response_model=StatusResponse, )
[docs] async def list_items(self, list_items_payload: GeneralListRequest) -> ModelListResponse: """Lists all model(s) within registry based on filter criteria. Parameters ---------- list_items_payload : GeneralListRequest Payload contaning the filter/sort criteria """ return await self._registry_client.list_items( list_items_payload=list_items_payload, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, update_model_response=ModelListResponse )
[docs] async def seed_item(self) -> ModelSeedResponse: """ Seeds a model in the registry Returns ------- ModelSeedResponse: The seed response """ return await self._registry_client.seed_item( item_subtype=self.item_subtype, seed_model_response=ModelSeedResponse )
[docs] async def create_item(self, create_item_request: ModelDomainInfo) -> ModelCreateResponse: """ Creates a model in the registry Parameters ---------- create_item_request : ModelDomainInfo The create item request Returns ------- ModelCreateResponse: The create response """ return await self._registry_client.create_item( create_item_request=create_item_request, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, create_response_model=ModelCreateResponse )
[docs] async def validate_item(self, validate_request: ModelDomainInfo) -> StatusResponse: """ Validates a model item in the registry Parameters ---------- validate_request : ModelDomainInfo The validate request Returns ------- StatusResponse: The status response """ return await self._registry_client.validate_item( validate_request=validate_request, item_subtype=self.item_subtype )
[docs] async def version_item(self, version_request: VersionRequest) -> VersionResponse: """ Versions a model in the registry Parameters ---------- version_request : VersionRequest The version request Returns ------- VersionResponse: The version response """ return await self._registry_client.version( version_request=version_request, item_subtype=self.item_subtype )
[docs] class ModelRunWorkFlowClient(RegistryBaseClass): _registry_client: RegistryClient def __init__(self, auth: AuthManager, config: Config, registry_client: RegistryClient) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- auth : AuthManager An abstract interface containing the user's requested auth flow method. config : Config A config object which contains information related to the Provena instance. """ super().__init__(auth=auth, config=config, registry_client=registry_client, item_subtype=ItemSubType.MODEL_RUN_WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE)
[docs] async def fetch(self, id: str, seed_allowed: Optional[bool] = None) -> ModelRunWorkflowTemplateFetchResponse: """ Fetches a model run workflow template from the registry Args: id (str): The model run workflow template ID seed_allowed (Optional[bool], optional): Allow seed items. Defaults to None. Returns: ModelFetchResponse: The fetch response """ return await self._registry_client.fetch_item( id=id, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, fetch_response_model=ModelRunWorkflowTemplateFetchResponse, seed_allowed=seed_allowed )
[docs] async def update(self, id: str, domain_info: ModelRunWorkflowTemplateDomainInfo, reason: Optional[str]) -> StatusResponse: """ Updates a model in the registry Args: id (str): The id of the model domain_info (ModelDomainInfo): The new domain info reason (Optional[str]): The reason if any Returns: StatusResponse: Status response """ return await self._registry_client.update_item( id=id, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, domain_info=domain_info, reason=reason, update_response_model=StatusResponse, )
[docs] async def list_items(self, list_items_payload: GeneralListRequest) -> ModelRunWorkflowTemplateListResponse: """Lists all model(s) within registry based on filter criteria. Parameters ---------- list_items_payload : GeneralListRequest Payload contaning the filter/sort criteria """ return await self._registry_client.list_items( list_items_payload=list_items_payload, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, update_model_response=ModelRunWorkflowTemplateListResponse )
[docs] async def seed_item(self) -> ModelRunWorkflowTemplateSeedResponse: """ Seeds a model run workflow template in the registry Returns ------- ModelRunWorkflowTemplateSeedResponse: The seed response """ return await self._registry_client.seed_item( item_subtype=self.item_subtype, seed_model_response=ModelRunWorkflowTemplateSeedResponse )
[docs] async def create_item(self, create_item_request: ModelRunWorkflowTemplateDomainInfo) -> ModelRunWorkflowTemplateCreateResponse: """ Creates a model run workflow template in the registry Parameters ---------- create_item_request : ModelRunWorkflowTemplateDomainInfo The create item request Returns ------- ModelRunWorkflowTemplateCreateResponse: The create response """ return await self._registry_client.create_item( create_item_request=create_item_request, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, create_response_model=ModelRunWorkflowTemplateCreateResponse )
[docs] async def validate_item(self, validate_request: ModelRunWorkflowTemplateDomainInfo) -> StatusResponse: """ Validates a model run workflow template item in the registry Parameters ---------- validate_request : ModelRunWorkflowTemplateDomainInfo The validate request Returns ------- StatusResponse: The status response """ return await self._registry_client.validate_item( validate_request=validate_request, item_subtype=self.item_subtype )
[docs] async def version_item(self, version_request: VersionRequest) -> VersionResponse: """ Versions a model run workflow template in the registry Parameters ---------- version_request : VersionRequest The version request Returns ------- VersionResponse: The version response """ return await self._registry_client.version( version_request=version_request, item_subtype=self.item_subtype )
[docs] class DatasetTemplateClient(RegistryBaseClass): _registry_client: RegistryClient def __init__(self, auth: AuthManager, config: Config, registry_client: RegistryClient) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- auth : AuthManager An abstract interface containing the user's requested auth flow method. config : Config A config object which contains information related to the Provena instance. """ super().__init__(auth=auth, config=config, registry_client=registry_client, item_subtype=ItemSubType.DATASET_TEMPLATE)
[docs] async def fetch(self, id: str, seed_allowed: Optional[bool] = None) -> DatasetTemplateFetchResponse: """ Fetches a dataset template from the registry Args: id (str): The dataset template ID seed_allowed (Optional[bool], optional): Allow seed items. Defaults to None. Returns: DatasetTemplateFetchResponse: The fetch response """ return await self._registry_client.fetch_item( id=id, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, fetch_response_model=DatasetTemplateFetchResponse, seed_allowed=seed_allowed )
[docs] async def update(self, id: str, domain_info: DatasetTemplateDomainInfo, reason: Optional[str]) -> StatusResponse: """ Updates a dataset template in the registry Args: id (str): The id of the dataset template domain_info (DatasetTemplateDomainInfo): The new domain info reason (Optional[str]): The reason if any Returns: StatusResponse: Status response """ return await self._registry_client.update_item( id=id, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, domain_info=domain_info, reason=reason, update_response_model=StatusResponse, )
[docs] async def list_items(self, list_items_payload: GeneralListRequest) -> DatasetTemplateListResponse: """ Lists all dataset templates within the registry based on filter criteria. Parameters ---------- list_items_payload : GeneralListRequest Payload containing the filter/sort criteria """ return await self._registry_client.list_items( list_items_payload=list_items_payload, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, update_model_response=DatasetTemplateListResponse )
[docs] async def seed_item(self) -> DatasetTemplateSeedResponse: """ Seeds a dataset template in the registry Returns ------- DatasetTemplateSeedResponse: The seed response """ return await self._registry_client.seed_item( item_subtype=self.item_subtype, seed_model_response=DatasetTemplateSeedResponse )
[docs] async def create_item(self, create_item_request: DatasetTemplateDomainInfo) -> DatasetTemplateCreateResponse: """ Creates a dataset template in the registry Parameters ---------- create_item_request : DatasetTemplateDomainInfo The create item request Returns ------- DatasetTemplateCreateResponse: The create response """ return await self._registry_client.create_item( create_item_request=create_item_request, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, create_response_model=DatasetTemplateCreateResponse )
[docs] async def validate_item(self, validate_request: DatasetTemplateDomainInfo) -> StatusResponse: """ Validates a dataset template item in the registry Parameters ---------- validate_request : DatasetTemplateDomainInfo The validate request Returns ------- StatusResponse: The status response """ return await self._registry_client.validate_item( validate_request=validate_request, item_subtype=self.item_subtype )
[docs] async def version_item(self, version_request: VersionRequest) -> VersionResponse: """ Versions a dataset template in the registry Parameters ---------- version_request : VersionRequest The version request Returns ------- VersionResponse: The version response """ return await self._registry_client.version( version_request=version_request, item_subtype=self.item_subtype )
[docs] class DatasetClient(RegistryBaseClass): _registry_client: RegistryClient def __init__(self, auth: AuthManager, config: Config, registry_client: RegistryClient) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- auth : AuthManager An abstract interface containing the user's requested auth flow method. config : Config A config object which contains information related to the Provena instance. registry_client : RegistryClient The registry client to use for registry interactions. """ super().__init__(auth=auth, config=config, registry_client=registry_client, item_subtype=ItemSubType.DATASET)
[docs] async def fetch(self, id: str, seed_allowed: Optional[bool] = None) -> DatasetFetchResponse: """ Fetches a dataset from the registry Args: id (str): The dataset ID seed_allowed (Optional[bool], optional): Allow seed items. Defaults to None. Returns: DatasetFetchResponse: The fetch response """ return await self._registry_client.fetch_item( id=id, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, fetch_response_model=DatasetFetchResponse, seed_allowed=seed_allowed )
[docs] async def list_items(self, list_items_payload: GeneralListRequest) -> DatasetListResponse: """ Lists all datasets within the registry based on filter criteria. Parameters ---------- list_items_payload : GeneralListRequest Payload containing the filter/sort criteria Returns ------- DatasetListResponse: The list response """ return await self._registry_client.list_items( list_items_payload=list_items_payload, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, update_model_response=DatasetListResponse )
[docs] async def validate_item(self, validate_request: DatasetDomainInfo) -> StatusResponse: """ Validates a dataset item in the registry Parameters ---------- validate_request : DatasetDomainInfo The validate request Returns ------- StatusResponse: The status response """ return await self._registry_client.validate_item( validate_request=validate_request, item_subtype=self.item_subtype )
[docs] class StudyClient(RegistryBaseClass): _registry_client: RegistryClient def __init__(self, auth: AuthManager, config: Config, registry_client: RegistryClient) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- auth : AuthManager An abstract interface containing the user's requested auth flow method. config : Config A config object which contains information related to the Provena instance. registry_client : RegistryClient The registry client to use for registry interactions. """ super().__init__(auth=auth, config=config, registry_client=registry_client, item_subtype=ItemSubType.STUDY)
[docs] async def fetch(self, id: str, seed_allowed: Optional[bool] = None) -> StudyFetchResponse: """ Fetches a study from the registry Args: id (str): The study ID seed_allowed (Optional[bool], optional): Allow seed items. Defaults to None. Returns: StudyFetchResponse: The fetch response """ return await self._registry_client.fetch_item( id=id, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, fetch_response_model=StudyFetchResponse, seed_allowed=seed_allowed )
[docs] async def list_items(self, list_items_payload: GeneralListRequest) -> StudyListResponse: """ Lists all studies within the registry based on filter criteria. Parameters ---------- list_items_payload : GeneralListRequest Payload containing the filter/sort criteria Returns ------- StudyListResponse: The list response """ return await self._registry_client.list_items( list_items_payload=list_items_payload, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, update_model_response=StudyListResponse )
[docs] async def seed_item(self) -> StudySeedResponse: """ Seeds a study in the registry Returns ------- StudySeedResponse: The seed response """ return await self._registry_client.seed_item( item_subtype=self.item_subtype, seed_model_response=StudySeedResponse )
[docs] async def update(self, id: str, domain_info: StudyDomainInfo, reason: Optional[str]) -> StatusResponse: """ Updates a study in the registry Parameters ---------- id : str The id of the study domain_info : StudyDomainInfo The new domain info reason : Optional[str] The reason, if any Returns ------- StatusResponse: Status response """ return await self._registry_client.update_item( id=id, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, domain_info=domain_info, reason=reason, update_response_model=StatusResponse, )
[docs] async def create_item(self, create_item_request: StudyDomainInfo) -> StudyCreateResponse: """ Creates a study in the registry Parameters ---------- create_item_request : StudyDomainInfo The create item request Returns ------- StudyCreateResponse: The create response """ return await self._registry_client.create_item( create_item_request=create_item_request, item_subtype=self.item_subtype, create_response_model=StudyCreateResponse )
[docs] async def validate_item(self, validate_request: StudyDomainInfo) -> StatusResponse: """ Validates a study item in the registry Parameters ---------- validate_request : StudyDomainInfo The validate request Returns ------- StatusResponse: The status response """ return await self._registry_client.validate_item( validate_request=validate_request, item_subtype=self.item_subtype )
[docs] class Registry(ModuleService): # L2 clients used _registry_client: RegistryClient # Admin sub module admin: RegistryAdminClient # Sub modules organisation: OrganisationClient person: PersonClient model: ModelClient model_run_workflow: ModelRunWorkFlowClient dataset_template: DatasetTemplateClient dataset: DatasetClient study: StudyClient create_activity: CreateActivityClient version_acitvity: VersionActivityClient model_run: ModelRunActivityClient def __init__(self, auth: AuthManager, config: Config, registry_client: RegistryClient) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- auth : AuthManager An abstract interface containing the user's requested auth flow method. config : Config A config object which contains information related to the Provena instance. """ # Module service self._auth = auth self._config = config # Clients related to the registry scoped as private. self._registry_client = registry_client # Admin sub module self.admin = RegistryAdminClient( auth=auth, config=config, registry_client=registry_client ) # Sub modules self.organisation = OrganisationClient( auth=auth, config=config, registry_client=registry_client) self.person = PersonClient( auth=auth, config=config, registry_client=registry_client ) self.model = ModelClient( auth=auth, config=config, registry_client=registry_client) self.model_run_workflow = ModelRunWorkFlowClient( auth=auth, config=config, registry_client=registry_client ) self.dataset_template = DatasetTemplateClient( auth=auth, config=config, registry_client=registry_client ) = StudyClient( auth=auth, config=config, registry_client=registry_client ) self.create_activity = CreateActivityClient( auth=auth, config=config, registry_client=registry_client) self.version_acitvity = VersionActivityClient( auth=auth, config=config, registry_client=registry_client) self.model_run = ModelRunActivityClient( auth=auth, config=config, registry_client=registry_client )
[docs] async def get_health_check(self) -> HealthCheckResponse: """ Health check the API Returns: HealthCheckResponse: Response """ return await self._registry_client.get_health_check()
[docs] async def list_general_registry_items(self, general_list_request: GeneralListRequest) -> PaginatedListResponse: """ Lists general registry items based on filter criteria. Parameters ---------- general_list_request : GeneralListRequest The request containing filter and sort criteria. Returns ------- PaginatedListResponse The response containing the paginated list of registry items. """ return await self._registry_client.general.list_general_registry_items( general_list_request=general_list_request )
[docs] async def list_registry_items_with_count(self) -> Dict[str, int]: """ Retrieves a count of items in the registry, grouped by their subtypes. This method sends requests to list items in the registry and counts the number of items for each subtype. It handles pagination to ensure all items are counted. Returns ------- Dict[str, int] A dictionary where the keys are item subtypes(string) and the values are the count of items for each subtype. """ item_count: Dict[str, int] = {} general_list_request = GeneralListRequest( filter_by=FilterOptions( record_type=QueryRecordTypes.COMPLETE_ONLY, item_subtype=None, release_reviewer=None, release_status=None ), sort_by=SortOptions(sort_type=None, ascending=False, begins_with=None), pagination_key=None, page_size=20 ) while True: list_response = await self.list_general_registry_items(general_list_request=general_list_request) assert list_response.items is not None, f"Expected a list of items but none was present." for item in list_response.items: subtype: str = item.get("item_subtype") if not subtype: unknown = "UNKNOWN" if unknown not in item_count: item_count[unknown] = 1 else: item_count[unknown] += 1 continue # Skip this current iteration if subtype is missing if subtype not in item_count: item_count[subtype] = 1 else: item_count[subtype] += 1 if not list_response.pagination_key: break general_list_request.pagination_key = list_response.pagination_key return item_count
[docs] async def general_fetch_item(self, id: str) -> UntypedFetchResponse: """ Fetches a general item from the registry. Parameters ---------- id : str The ID of the item to fetch. Returns ------- UntypedFetchResponse The fetch response containing the item details. """ return await self._registry_client.general.general_fetch_item( id=id )
[docs] async def get_current_provena_version(self) -> VersionResponse: """ Gets the current Provena version deployed on your domain. Returns ------- VersionResponse The response containing the current Provena version. """ return await self._registry_client.general.get_current_provena_version()