Source code for provenaclient.utils.http_client

Created Date: Monday June 17th 2024 +1000
Author: Peter Baker
Last Modified: Monday June 17th 2024 5:00:47 pm +1000
Modified By: Peter Baker
Description: A HTTP client which wraps HTTPx async so that we can swap out a different http library later if needed.
Date      	By	Comments
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from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union
import httpx
from provenaclient.auth.helpers import HttpxBearerAuth
from provenaclient.utils.helpers import JsonData

# 30s total timeout (mirroring API Gateway timeout anyway)
timeout = httpx.Timeout(timeout=30.0)

# L1 interface.

[docs] class HttpClient: """This class only contains static methods as it acts as an HTTP client and provides a layer over these static methods and makes them easily identifiable within the codebase. """
[docs] @staticmethod async def make_get_request( url: str, params: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, auth: Optional[HttpxBearerAuth] = None, headers: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> httpx.Response: """Makes an asynchronous HTTP GET request to the specified URL using the provided parameters, authentication, and headers. Parameters ---------- url : str The URL to which the GET request will be sent. params : Optional[dict[str, Any]], optional A dictionary of the query parameters to be included in the GET request, by default None. auth : Optional[HttpxBearerAuth], optional Authentication object (httpx bearer token only), to be included in the request headers, by default None. headers : Optional[dict[str,Any]], optional A dictionary having additional HTTP headers to send with the GET request, by default None. Returns ------- httpx.Response The response from the server as an httpx.Response object. """ async with httpx.AsyncClient(timeout=timeout) as client: response = await client.get(url, params=params, headers=headers, auth=auth) return response
[docs] @staticmethod async def make_delete_request( url: str, auth: HttpxBearerAuth, params: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, headers: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> httpx.Response: """Makes an asynchronous HTTP DELETE request to the specified URL using the provided parameters, authentication, and headers. Parameters ---------- url : str The URL to which the DELETE request will be sent. params : Optional[dict[str, Any]], optional A dictionary of the query parameters to be included in the GET request, by default None. auth : Optional[HttpxBearerAuth], optional Authentication object (httpx bearer token only), to be included in the request headers, by default None. headers : Optional[dict[str,Any]], optional A dictionary having additional HTTP headers to send with the GET request, by default None. Returns ------- httpx.Response The response from the server as an httpx.Response object. """ async with httpx.AsyncClient(timeout=timeout) as client: response = await client.delete( url, params=params, headers=headers, auth=auth ) return response
[docs] @staticmethod async def make_post_request( url: str, auth: HttpxBearerAuth, params: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, data: Union[Optional[dict[str, Any]], Optional[List[dict[str, Any]]]] = None, files: Optional[dict[str, tuple[str, bytes, str]]] = None, headers: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> httpx.Response: """Makes an asynchronous HTTP POST request to the specified URL with the provided data, authentication, and headers. Parameters ---------- url : str The URL to which the GET request will be sent. params : Optional[dict[str, Any]], optional A dictionary of the query parameters to be included in the GET request, by default None. auth : HttpxBearerAuth Authentication object (e.g., bearer token), which is required for the POST request. data : Optional[dict[str,Any]], optional A dictionary of the data to be sent in the body of the POST request, by default None. files: Optional[dict[str, tuple[str, bytes, str]]], optional A files request object containing the file content and the media type. headers : Optional[dict[str, Any]], optional A dictionary representing additional HTTP headers to send with the POST request, by default None. Returns ------- httpx.Response The response from the server as an httpx.Response object. """ async with httpx.AsyncClient(timeout=timeout) as client: response = await url, params=params, json=data, headers=headers, files=files, auth=auth ) return response
[docs] @staticmethod async def make_put_request( url: str, auth: HttpxBearerAuth, params: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, data: Optional[JsonData] = None, headers: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> httpx.Response: """Makes an asynchronous HTTP put request to the specified URL with the provided data, authentication, and headers. Parameters ---------- url : str The URL to which the GET request will be sent. params : Optional[dict[str, Any]], optional A dictionary of the query parameters to be included in the GET request, by default None. auth : HttpxBearerAuth Authentication object (e.g., bearer token), which is required for the put request. data : Optional[dict[str,Any]], optional A dictionary of the data to be sent in the body of the put request, by default None. headers : Optional[dict[str, Any]], optional A dictionary representing additional HTTP headers to send with the put request, by default None. Returns ------- httpx.Response The response from the server as an httpx.Response object. """ async with httpx.AsyncClient(timeout=timeout) as client: response = await client.put( url, params=params, json=data, headers=headers, auth=auth ) return response