Created Date: Thursday June 6th 2024 +1000 Author: Peter Baker —– Last Modified: Thursday June 6th 2024 1:39:55 pm +1000 Modified By: Peter Baker —– Description: Datastore L2 Client. —– HISTORY: Date By Comments ———- — ———————————————————
An ENUM containing the datastore-api endpoints. |
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth |
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth |
Module Contents
- class provenaclient.clients.datastore_client.DatastoreEndpoints[source]
An ENUM containing the datastore-api endpoints.
- GET_REGISTRY_ITEMS_FETCH_DATASET = '/registry/items/fetch-dataset'
- POST_REGISTER_MINT_DATASET = '/register/mint-dataset'
- POST_METADATA_VALIDATE_METADATA = '/metadata/validate-metadata'
- GET_METADATA_DATASET_SCHEMA = '/metadata/dataset-schema'
- POST_REGISTER_UPDATE_METADATA = '/register/update-metadata'
- PUT_REGISTER_REVERT_METADATA = '/register/revert-metadata'
- POST_REGISTER_VERSION = '/register/version'
- POST_REGISTRY_ITEMS_LIST = '/registry/items/list'
- POST_REGISTRY_ITEMS_GENERATE_PRESIGNED_URL = '/registry/items/generate-presigned-url'
- POST_REGISTRY_CREDENTIALS_GENERATE_READ_ACCESS_CREDENTIALS = '/registry/credentials/generate-read-access-credentials'
- POST_REGISTRY_CREDENTIALS_GENERATE_WRITE_ACCESS_CREDENTIALS = '/registry/credentials/generate-write-access-credentials'
- DELETE_RELEASE_SYS_REVIEWERS_DELETE = '/release/sys-reviewers/delete'
- POST_RELEASE_SYS_REVIEWERS_ADD = '/release/sys-reviewers/add'
- GET_RELEASE_SYS_REVIEWERS_LIST = '/release/sys-reviewers/list'
- POST_RELEASE_APPROVAL_REQUEST = '/release/approval-request'
- PUT_RELEASE_ACTION_APPROVAL_REQUEST = '/release/action-approval-request'
- GET_CHECK_ACCESS_CHECK_GENERAL_ACCESS = '/check-access/check-general-access'
- GET_CHECK_ACCESS_CHECK_ADMIN_ACCESS = '/check-access/check-admin-access'
- GET_CHECK_ACCESS_CHECK_READ_ACCESS = '/check-access/check-read-access'
- GET_CHECK_ACCESS_CHECK_WRITE_ACCESS = '/check-access/check-write-access'
- GET_ADMIN_CONFIG = '/admin/config'
- GET_ADMIN_SENTRY_DEBUG = '/admin/sentry-debug'
- class provenaclient.clients.datastore_client.DatasetReviewSubClient(auth: provenaclient.clients.client_helpers.AuthManager, config: provenaclient.clients.client_helpers.Config)[source]
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth manager which allows for helper functions abstracted for L2 clients.
- _auth
- _config
- _build_endpoint(endpoint: DatastoreEndpoints) str [source]
- async delete_dataset_reviewer(reviewer_id: str) None [source]
Delete a reviewer existing within the datastore.
- Parameters:
reviewer_id (str) – Id of an existing reviewer within the system.
- async add_dataset_reviewer(reviewer_id: str) None [source]
Add a reviewer to the datastore.
- Parameters:
reviewer_id (str) – Valid Id of a reviewer.
- async approval_request(approval_request_payload: ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.ReleaseApprovalRequest) ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.ReleaseApprovalRequestResponse [source]
Submit a request for approval of dataset through the datastore.
- Parameters:
approval_request_payload (ReleaseApprovalRequest) – An object that requires the dataset id, approver id and notes
- Returns:
Contains details of the approval request.
- Return type:
- async action_approval_request(action_approval_request_payload: ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.ActionApprovalRequest) ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.ActionApprovalRequestResponse [source]
Action an approval request from a dataset approval request via the datastore.
- Parameters:
action_approval_request (ActionApprovalRequest) – The dataset id, your decision of approval and any extra information you want to add (notes).
- Returns:
The details of the approval action and the relevant dataset details.
- Return type:
- class provenaclient.clients.datastore_client.DatastoreClient(auth: provenaclient.clients.client_helpers.AuthManager, config: provenaclient.clients.client_helpers.Config)[source]
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth manager which allows for helper functions abstracted for L2 clients.
- review: DatasetReviewSubClient
- _auth
- _config
- _build_endpoint(endpoint: DatastoreEndpoints) str [source]
- async get_health_check() provenaclient.models.HealthCheckResponse [source]
Health check the API
- Returns:
- Return type:
- async validate_metadata(metadata_payload: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryModels.CollectionFormat) provenaclient.utils.helpers.StatusResponse [source]
Validates provided dataset info with the datastore API.
- Parameters:
metadata_payload (CollectionFormat) – A structured format containing all necessary information to register a new dataset, including associations, approvals, and dataset-specific information.
- Returns:
Response indicating whether your dataset metadata setup is valid and correct.
- Return type:
- async update_metadata(handle_id: str, reason: str, metadata_payload: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryModels.CollectionFormat) ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.UpdateMetadataResponse [source]
Updates existing dataset metadata through datastore API.
- Returns:
The updated metadata response from datastore.
- Return type:
- async revert_metadata(metadata_payload: provenaclient.models.RevertMetadata) provenaclient.utils.helpers.StatusResponse [source]
Reverts the metadata for a dataset to a previous identified historical version.
- Parameters:
metadata_payload (RevertMetadata) – The revert request, passed through to the registry API and requires dataset id, history id and reason for reverting.
- Returns:
Response indicating whether your dataset metadata setup is valid and correct.
- Return type:
- async version_dataset(version_dataset_payload: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.VersionRequest) ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.VersionResponse [source]
- Creates a new versioning of an existing dataset within Provena
through the Datastore.
- Parameters:
version_dataset_payload (VersionRequest) – The request which includes the item ID and reason for versioning.
- Returns:
Response of the versioning of the dataset, containing new version ID and job session ID.
- Return type:
- async list_datasets(list_request: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.NoFilterSubtypeListRequest) ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.DatasetListResponse [source]
Gets datasets within the datastore in a paginated fashion.
- Parameters:
list_request (NoFilterSubtypeListRequest) – Contains parameters for the specified sorting criteria, optional pagination key and amount of records to fetch.
- Returns:
Response of fetching datasets from datastore API.
- Return type:
- async generate_presigned_url(presigned_url: ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.PresignedURLRequest) ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.PresignedURLResponse [source]
Generates a presigned url for an existing dataset within the datastore.
- Parameters:
presigned_url (PresignedURLRequest) – Contains the dataset id + file path + length of expiry of URL.
- Returns:
A response containing the presigned url.
- Return type:
- async generate_read_access_credentials(read_access_credentials: ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.CredentialsRequest) ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.CredentialResponse [source]
Creates a read-access for a certain subdirectory of the S3 bucket.
- Parameters:
read_access_credentials (CredentialsRequest) – Contains the dataset id + console session URL required flag (boolean)
- Returns:
The AWS credentials creating read level access into the subset of the bucket requested in the S3 location object.
- Return type:
- async generate_write_access_credentials(write_access_credentials: ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.CredentialsRequest) ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.CredentialResponse [source]
Creates a write-access for a certain subdirectory of the S3 bucket.
- Parameters:
write_access_credentials (CredentialsRequest) – Contains the dataset id + console session URL required flag (boolean)
- Returns:
The AWS credentials creating write level access into the subset of the bucket requested in the S3 location object.
- Return type:
- async fetch_dataset(id: str) ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.RegistryFetchResponse [source]
Fetches a dataset from the datastore based on the provided ID.
- Parameters:
id (str) – The unique identifier of the dataset to be retrieved. For example: “10378.1/1451860”
- Returns:
A interactive python datatype of type RegistryFetchResponse containing the dataset details.
- Return type:
- Raises:
CustomTimeoutException – Raised if the request times out.
Exception – General exception for handling unexpected errors.
ValueError – Raised if there is an issue in parsing the response into the expected model.
- async mint_dataset(dataset_info: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryModels.CollectionFormat) ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.MintResponse [source]
Creates a new dataset in the datastore with the provided dataset information.
- Parameters:
dataset_info (CollectionFormat) – A structured format containing all necessary information to register a new dataset, including associations, approvals, and dataset-specific information.
- Returns:
A interactive python datatype of type MintResponse containing the newly created dataset details.
- Return type:
- Raises:
BadRequestException – Raised if the server returns a 400 status code, indicating a bad request.
CustomTimeoutException – Raised if the request times out.
Exception – General exception for handling unexpected errors.
ValueError – Raised if there is an issue in parsing the response into the expected model.