Created Date: Thursday June 6th 2024 +1000 Author: Peter Baker —– Last Modified: Thursday June 6th 2024 1:39:55 pm +1000 Modified By: Peter Baker —– Description: Incomplete Registry API L2 Client. —– HISTORY: Date By Comments ———- — ———————————————————
28-06-2024 | Parth Kulkarni | Completion of L2 Interface of Registry with General, Admin and Other endpoints. 18-06-2024 | Peter Baker | Initial structure setup to help dispatch into the various sub types in the L3.
str(object='') -> str |
str(object='') -> str |
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth |
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth |
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth |
Module Contents
- class provenaclient.clients.registry_client.GenericRegistryEndpoints[source]
str(object=’’) -> str str(bytes_or_buffer[, encoding[, errors]]) -> str
Create a new string object from the given object. If encoding or errors is specified, then the object must expose a data buffer that will be decoded using the given encoding and error handler. Otherwise, returns the result of object.__str__() (if defined) or repr(object). encoding defaults to sys.getdefaultencoding(). errors defaults to ‘strict’.
- GET_CHECK_ACCESS_CHECK_ADMIN_ACCESS = '/check-access/check-admin-access'
- GET_CHECK_ACCESS_CHECK_GENERAL_ACCESS = '/check-access/check-general-access'
- GET_CHECK_ACCESS_CHECK_READ_ACCESS = '/check-access/check-read-access'
- GET_CHECK_ACCESS_CHECK_WRITE_ACCESS = '/check-access/check-write-access'
- GET_REGISTRY_GENERAL_ABOUT_VERSION = '/registry/general/about/version'
- GET_REGISTRY_GENERAL_FETCH = '/registry/general/fetch'
- POST_REGISTRY_GENERAL_LIST = '/registry/general/list'
- class provenaclient.clients.registry_client.RegistryAdminEndpoints[source]
str(object=’’) -> str str(bytes_or_buffer[, encoding[, errors]]) -> str
Create a new string object from the given object. If encoding or errors is specified, then the object must expose a data buffer that will be decoded using the given encoding and error handler. Otherwise, returns the result of object.__str__() (if defined) or repr(object). encoding defaults to sys.getdefaultencoding(). errors defaults to ‘strict’.
- GET_ADMIN_CONFIG = '/admin/config'
- GET_ADMIN_EXPORT = '/admin/export'
- GET_ADMIN_SENTRY_DEBUG = '/admin/sentry-debug'
- POST_ADMIN_IMPORT = '/admin/import'
- POST_ADMIN_RESTORE_FROM_TABLE = '/admin/restore_from_table'
- class provenaclient.clients.registry_client.RegistryAdminClient(auth: provenaclient.clients.client_helpers.AuthManager, config: provenaclient.clients.client_helpers.Config)[source]
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth manager which allows for helper functions abstracted for L2 clients.
- _auth
- _config
- _build_endpoint(endpoint: RegistryAdminEndpoints) str [source]
- _build_subtype_endpoint(action: provenaclient.utils.registry_endpoints.RegistryAction, item_subtype: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.ItemSubType) str [source]
- async export_items() ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.RegistryExportResponse [source]
Exports all items from the registry.
- Returns:
The response containing the exported items.
- Return type:
- async import_items(registry_import_request: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.RegistryImportRequest) ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.RegistryImportResponse [source]
Imports items into the registry.
- Parameters:
registry_import_request (RegistryImportRequest) – The import request containing the items to import.
- Returns:
The response containing the result of the import operation.
- Return type:
- async restore_items_from_dynamo_table(restore_request: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.RegistryRestoreRequest) ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.RegistryImportResponse [source]
Restores items from a DynamoDB table into the registry.
- Parameters:
restore_request (RegistryRestoreRequest) – The restore request containing the details for restoration.
- Returns:
The response containing the result of the restore operation.
- Return type:
- async generate_config_file(required_only: bool) str [source]
Generates a nicely formatted .env file of the current required/non-supplied properties.
Used to quickly bootstrap a local environment or to understand currently deployed API.
- Parameters:
required_only (bool) – Whether to include only required properties. By default True.
- Returns:
The generated .env file content.
- Return type:
- async delete_item(id: str, item_subtype: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.ItemSubType) ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.StatusResponse [source]
Deletes an item from the registry.
- Parameters:
id (str) – The ID of the item to delete.
item_subtype (ItemSubType) – The subtype of the item to delete.
- Returns:
The status response indicating the result of the deletion.
- Return type:
- class provenaclient.clients.registry_client.RegistryGeneralClient(auth: provenaclient.clients.client_helpers.AuthManager, config: provenaclient.clients.client_helpers.Config)[source]
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth manager which allows for helper functions abstracted for L2 clients.
- _auth
- _config
- _build_subtype_endpoint(action: provenaclient.utils.registry_endpoints.RegistryAction, item_subtype: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.ItemSubType) str [source]
- _build_general_endpoint(endpoint: GenericRegistryEndpoints) str [source]
- async list_general_registry_items(general_list_request: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.GeneralListRequest) ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.PaginatedListResponse [source]
Lists general registry items based on filter criteria.
- Parameters:
general_list_request (GeneralListRequest) – The request containing filter and sort criteria.
- Returns:
The response containing the paginated list of registry items.
- Return type:
- class provenaclient.clients.registry_client.RegistryClient(auth: provenaclient.clients.client_helpers.AuthManager, config: provenaclient.clients.client_helpers.Config)[source]
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth manager which allows for helper functions abstracted for L2 clients.
- admin: RegistryAdminClient
- general: RegistryGeneralClient
- _auth
- _config
- _build_subtype_endpoint(action: provenaclient.utils.registry_endpoints.RegistryAction, item_subtype: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.ItemSubType) str [source]
- _build_general_endpoint(endpoint: GenericRegistryEndpoints) str [source]
- async get_health_check() provenaclient.models.general.HealthCheckResponse [source]
Health check the API
- Returns:
- Return type:
- async fetch_item(id: str, item_subtype: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.ItemSubType, fetch_response_model: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.Type[provenaclient.clients.client_helpers.BaseModelType], seed_allowed: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.Optional[bool] = None) provenaclient.clients.client_helpers.BaseModelType [source]
Ascertains the correct endpoint based on the subtype provided, then runs the fetch operation, parsing the data as the specified model.
- Parameters:
id (str) – The id of the item to fetch.
item_subtype (ItemSubType) – The subtype of the item to fetch.
fetch_response_model (Type[BaseModelType]) – The response pydantic model to parse as e.g. OrganisationFetchResponse
seed_allowed (Optional[bool], optional) – Should the endpoint throw an error if the item is a seed item? Defaults to None.
- Returns:
The fetch response parsed as the specified model.
- Return type:
- async update_item(id: str, reason: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.Optional[str], item_subtype: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.ItemSubType, domain_info: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.DomainInfoBase, update_response_model: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.Type[provenaclient.clients.client_helpers.BaseModelType]) provenaclient.clients.client_helpers.BaseModelType [source]
Ascertains the correct endpoint then runs the update operation on an existing item by providing new domain info.
- Parameters:
id (str) – The id of item to update.
reason (Optional[str]) – The reason for updating, if any
item_subtype (ItemSubType) – The subtype to update
domain_info (DomainInfoBase) – The domain info to replace existing item with
update_response_model (Type[BaseModelType]) – The response model to parse e.g. StatusResponse
- Returns:
The response model parsed
- Return type:
- async list_items(list_items_payload: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.GeneralListRequest, item_subtype: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.ItemSubType, update_model_response: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.Type[provenaclient.clients.client_helpers.BaseModelType]) provenaclient.clients.client_helpers.BaseModelType [source]
Lists items within the registry based on filter criteria.
- Parameters:
list_items_payload (GeneralListRequest) – The request containing filter and sort criteria.
item_subtype (ItemSubType) – The subtype of the items to list.
update_model_response (Type[BaseModelType]) – The response model to parse.
- Returns:
The response containing the list of items.
- Return type:
- async seed_item(item_subtype: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.ItemSubType, seed_model_response: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.Type[provenaclient.clients.client_helpers.BaseModelType]) provenaclient.clients.client_helpers.BaseModelType [source]
Seeds an item in the registry.
- Parameters:
item_subtype (ItemSubType) – The subtype of the item to seed.
seed_model_response (Type[BaseModelType]) – The response model to parse.
- Returns:
The response containing the details of the seeded item.
- Return type:
- async revert_item(revert_request: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.ItemRevertRequest, item_subtype: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.ItemSubType) ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.ItemRevertResponse [source]
Reverts an item in the registry.
- Parameters:
revert_request (ItemRevertRequest) – The revert request.
item_subtype (ItemSubType) – The subtype of the item to revert.
- Returns:
The revert response.
- Return type:
- async create_item(create_item_request: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.DomainInfoBase, item_subtype: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.ItemSubType, create_response_model: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.Type[provenaclient.clients.client_helpers.BaseModelType]) provenaclient.clients.client_helpers.BaseModelType [source]
Creates an item in the registry.
- Parameters:
create_item_request (DomainInfoBase) – The domain information required to create the item.
item_subtype (ItemSubType) – The subtype of the item to create.
create_response_model (Type[BaseModelType]) – The response model to parse.
- Returns:
The response containing the details of the created item.
- Return type:
- async get_schema(item_subtype: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.ItemSubType) ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.JsonSchemaResponse [source]
Gets the schema for the item subtype.
- Parameters:
item_subtype (ItemSubType) – The subtype of the item to get the schema for.
- Returns:
The JSON schema response.
- Return type:
- async validate_item(validate_request: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.DomainInfoBase, item_subtype: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.ItemSubType) ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.StatusResponse [source]
Validates an item in the registry.
- Parameters:
validate_request (DomainInfoBase) – The domain information of the item to be validated.
item_subtype (ItemSubType) – The subtype of the item to validate.
- Returns:
The status response indicating the result of the validation.
- Return type:
- async evaluate_auth_access(id: str, item_subtype: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.ItemSubType) ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.DescribeAccessResponse [source]
Evaluates the auth access for an item.
- Parameters:
id (str) – The ID of the item to evaluate auth access for.
item_subtype (ItemSubType) – The subtype of the item to evaluate auth access for.
- Returns:
The describe access response.
- Return type:
- async get_auth_configuration(id: str, item_subtype: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.ItemSubType) ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.AccessSettings [source]
Gets the auth configuration for an item.
- Parameters:
id (str) – The ID of the item to get auth configuration for.
item_subtype (ItemSubType) – The subtype of the item to get auth configuration for.
- Returns:
The access settings.
- Return type:
- async modify_auth_configuration(id: str, auth_change_request: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.AccessSettings, item_subtype: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.ItemSubType) ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.StatusResponse [source]
Modifies the auth configuration for an item.
- Parameters:
id (str) – The ID of the item to modify auth configuration for.
auth_change_request (AccessSettings) – The auth change request.
item_subtype (ItemSubType) – The subtype of the item to modify auth configuration for.
- Returns:
The status response.
- Return type:
- async get_auth_roles(item_subtype: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.ItemSubType) ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.AuthRolesResponse [source]
Gets the auth roles for the item subtype.
- Parameters:
item_subtype (ItemSubType) – The subtype of the item to get auth roles for.
- Returns:
The auth roles response.
- Return type:
- async lock_resource(lock_resource_request: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.LockChangeRequest, item_subtype: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.ItemSubType) ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.StatusResponse [source]
Locks a resource in the registry.
- Parameters:
lock_resource_request (LockChangeRequest) – The lock resource request.
item_subtype (ItemSubType) – The subtype of the resource to lock.
- Returns:
The status response.
- Return type:
- async unlock_resource(unlock_resource_request: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.LockChangeRequest, item_subtype: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.ItemSubType) ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.StatusResponse [source]
Unlocks a resource in the registry.
- Parameters:
unlock_resource_request (LockChangeRequest) – The unlock resource request.
item_subtype (ItemSubType) – The subtype of the resource to unlock.
- Returns:
The status response.
- Return type:
- async get_lock_history(handle_id: str, item_subtype: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.ItemSubType) ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.LockHistoryResponse [source]
Gets the lock history for an item.
- Parameters:
handle_id (str) – The handle ID of the item to get lock history for.
item_subtype (ItemSubType) – The subtype of the item to get lock history for.
- Returns:
The lock history response.
- Return type:
- async get_lock_status(id: str, item_subtype: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.ItemSubType) ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.LockStatusResponse [source]
Gets the lock status for an item.
- Parameters:
id (str) – The item ID.
item_subtype (ItemSubType) – The subtype of the item to get lock status for.
- Returns:
The lock status response.
- Return type:
- async version(version_request: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.VersionRequest, item_subtype: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.ItemSubType) ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.VersionResponse [source]
Versions an item in the registry.
- Parameters:
version_request (VersionRequest) – The version request containing the version details.
item_subtype (ItemSubType) – The subtype of the item to version.
- Returns:
The version response.
- Return type: