- provenaclient.modules.auth
- provenaclient.modules.datastore
- provenaclient.modules.id_service
- provenaclient.modules.job_service
- provenaclient.modules.module_helpers
- provenaclient.modules.prov
- provenaclient.modules.provena_client
- provenaclient.modules.registry
- provenaclient.modules.submodules
- provenaclient.modules.template_module
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth |
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth |
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth |
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth |
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth |
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth |
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth |
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth |
Package Contents
- class provenaclient.modules.Datastore(auth: provenaclient.modules.module_helpers.AuthManager, config: provenaclient.modules.module_helpers.Config, datastore_client: provenaclient.clients.DatastoreClient, search_client: provenaclient.clients.SearchClient)[source]
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth manager which allows for helper functions abstracted for L3 clients.
- _datastore_client: provenaclient.clients.DatastoreClient
- _search_client: provenaclient.clients.SearchClient
- review: ReviewSubModule
- _auth
- _config
- async get_health_check() provenaclient.models.HealthCheckResponse [source]
Health check the API
- Returns:
- Return type:
- async fetch_dataset(id: str) ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.RegistryFetchResponse [source]
Fetches a dataset from the datastore based on the provided ID.
- Parameters:
id (str) – The unique identifier of the dataset to be retrieved. For example: “10378.1/1451860”
- Returns:
A interactive python datatype of type RegistryFetchResponse containing the dataset details.
- Return type:
- async mint_dataset(dataset_mint_info: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryModels.CollectionFormat) ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.MintResponse [source]
Creates a new dataset in the datastore with the provided dataset information.
- Parameters:
dataset_mint_info (CollectionFormat) – A structured format containing all necessary information to register a new dataset, including associations, approvals, and dataset-specific information.
- Returns:
A interactive python datatype of type MintResponse containing the newly created dataset details.
- Return type:
- async validate_dataset_metadata(metadata_payload: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryModels.CollectionFormat) ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.StatusResponse [source]
Validates the dataset metadata creation for testing and does not publish.
- Parameters:
metadata_payload (CollectionFormat) – A structured format containing all necessary information to register a new dataset, including associations, approvals, and dataset-specific information.
- Returns:
Response indicating whether your dataset metadata setup is valid and correct.
- Return type:
- async update_dataset_metadata(handle_id: str, reason: str, metadata_payload: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryModels.CollectionFormat) ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.UpdateMetadataResponse [source]
Updates an existing dataset’s metadata.
- Parameters:
handle_id (str) – The id of the dataset.
reason (str) – The reason for changing metadata of the dataset.
metadata_payload (CollectionFormat) – A structured format containing all necessary information to register a new dataset, including associations, approvals, and dataset-specific information.
- Returns:
The updated metadata response
- Return type:
- async revert_dataset_metadata(metadata_payload: provenaclient.models.RevertMetadata) ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.StatusResponse [source]
Reverts the metadata for a dataset to a previous identified historical version.
- Parameters:
metadata_payload (RevertMetadata) – The revert request, passed through to the registry API and requires dataset id, history id and reason for reverting.
- Returns:
Response indicating whether your dataset revert metadata request was correct.
- Return type:
- async version_dataset(version_request: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.VersionRequest) ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.VersionResponse [source]
Versioning operation which creates a new version from the specified ID.
- Parameters:
version_request (VersionRequest) – The request which includes the item ID and reason for versioning.
- Returns:
Response of the versioning of the dataset, containing new version ID and job session ID.
- Return type:
- async for_all_datasets(list_dataset_request: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.NoFilterSubtypeListRequest, total_limit: provenaclient.utils.exceptions.Optional[int] = None) AsyncGenerator[ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.ItemDataset, None] [source]
- Fetches all datasets based on the provided datasets in datastore based on
the provided sorting criteria, pagination key and page size.
- Parameters:
list_dataset_request (NoFilterSubtypeListRequest) – A request object configured with sorting options, pagination keys, and page size that defines how datasets are queried from the datastore.
total_limit (Optional[int], optional) – A maximum number of datasets to fetch. If specified, the generator will stop yielding datasets once this limit is reached. If None, it will fetch datasets until there are no more to fetch.
- Returns:
An asynchronous generator yielding “ItemDataset” object which is an individual dataset from the datastore.
- Return type:
AsyncGenerator[ItemDataset, None]
- Yields:
Iterator[AsyncGenerator[ItemDataset, None]] – Each yield provides a “ItemDataset” containing an individual dataset.
- async list_datasets(list_dataset_request: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.NoFilterSubtypeListRequest) ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.DatasetListResponse [source]
Takes a specific dataset list request and returns the response.
- Parameters:
list_dataset_request (NoFilterSubtypeListRequest) – A request object configured with sorting options, pagination keys, and page size that defines how datasets are queried from the datastore.
- Returns:
Response containing the requested datasets in the datastore based on sort criteria and page size, and contains other attributes such as total_item_counts and optional pagination key.
- Return type:
- async list_all_datasets(sort_criteria: provenaclient.utils.exceptions.Optional[ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.SortOptions] = None) List[ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.ItemDataset] [source]
Fetches all datasets from the datastore and you may provide your own sort criteria. By default uses display name sort criteria.
- Parameters:
sort_criteria (Optional[SortOptions]) – An object configured with sorting options that you want when displaying all datasets within the datastore.
- Returns:
A list of all datasets in the datastore, sorted as requested.
- Return type:
- async generate_dataset_presigned_url(dataset_presigned_request: ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.PresignedURLRequest) ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.PresignedURLResponse [source]
Generates a presigned url for an existing dataset.
- Parameters:
dataset_presigned_request (PresignedURLRequest) – Contains the dataset id + file path + length of expiry of URL.
- Returns:
A response with the presigned url.
- Return type:
- async generate_read_access_credentials(credentials: ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.CredentialsRequest) ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.CredentialResponse [source]
- Given an S3 location, will attempt to generate programmatic access keys for
the storage bucket at this particular subdirectory.
- Parameters:
credentials (CredentialsRequest) – Contains the dataset id + console session URL required flag (boolean)
- Returns:
The AWS credentials creating read level access into the subset of the bucket requested in the S3 location object.
- Return type:
- async generate_write_access_credentials(credentials: ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.CredentialsRequest) ProvenaInterfaces.DataStoreAPI.CredentialResponse [source]
- Given an S3 location, will attempt to generate programmatic access keys for
the storage bucket at this particular subdirectory.
- Parameters:
credentials (CredentialsRequest) – Contains the dataset id + console session URL required flag (boolean)
- Returns:
The AWS credentials creating write level access into the subset of the bucket requested in the S3 location object.
- Return type:
- async search_datasets(query: str, limit: int = DEFAULT_SEARCH_LIMIT) provenaclient.models.LoadedSearchResponse [source]
Utilises the L2 search client to search for datasets with the specified query.
Loads all datasets in the result payload from the data store and sorts based on auth, or other exceptions if not successful.
- Parameters:
query (str) – The query to make limit (int, optional): The result
DEFAULT_SEARCH_LIMIT. (count limit. Defaults to)
- Returns:
The loaded items incl errors.
- Return type:
- async interactive_dataset(dataset_id: str) InteractiveDataset [source]
Creates an interactive “session” with a dataset that allows you to perform further operations without re-supplying dataset id and creating objects required for other methods.
- Parameters:
dataset_id (str) – The unique identifier of the dataset to be retrieved. For example: “10378.1/1451860”
- Returns:
An instance that allows you to perform various operations on the provided dataset.
- Return type:
- class provenaclient.modules.Search(auth: provenaclient.clients.client_helpers.AuthManager, config: provenaclient.clients.client_helpers.Config, search_client: provenaclient.clients.SearchClient)[source]
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth manager which allows for helper functions abstracted for L2 clients.
- _search_client: provenaclient.clients.SearchClient
- _auth
- _config
- async search_registry(query: str, limit: int | None, subtype_filter: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryModels.ItemSubType | None) ProvenaInterfaces.SearchAPI.QueryResults [source]
Searches the registry for given query, limit and subtype.
- Parameters:
query (str) – The query to make
limit (Optional[int]) – The query limit
subtype_filter (Optional[ItemSubType]) – The subtype to filter by if any
- Returns:
Results - ids and scores
- Return type:
- class provenaclient.modules.Auth(auth: provenaclient.modules.module_helpers.AuthManager, config: provenaclient.modules.module_helpers.Config, auth_client: provenaclient.clients.AuthClient)[source]
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth manager which allows for helper functions abstracted for L3 clients.
- _auth_client: provenaclient.clients.AuthClient
- admin: AdminAuthSubModule
- _auth
- _config
- async get_health_check() provenaclient.models.HealthCheckResponse [source]
Health check the API
- Returns:
- Return type:
- async get_user_request_history() ProvenaInterfaces.AuthAPI.AccessRequestList [source]
Gets the users access request history
- Returns:
The list of requests
- Return type:
- async post_user_request_change(body: ProvenaInterfaces.AuthAPI.AccessReport, send_email: bool) ProvenaInterfaces.AuthAPI.StatusResponse [source]
Requests a change by diffing access models
- Parameters:
body (AccessReport) – The new access desired
send_email (bool) – Email alert
- Returns:
- Return type:
- async get_user_pending_request_history() ProvenaInterfaces.AuthAPI.AccessRequestList [source]
Gets only pending requests from history
- Returns:
The list
- Return type:
- async get_user_generate_access_report() ProvenaInterfaces.AuthAPI.AccessReportResponse [source]
Generates an access report detailing system access.
- Returns:
The response
- Return type:
- async get_list_groups() ProvenaInterfaces.AuthAPI.ListGroupsResponse [source]
Lists all groups
- Returns:
List of groups
- Return type:
- async get_describe_group(group_id: str) ProvenaInterfaces.AuthAPI.DescribeGroupResponse [source]
Describes a specific gruop
- Parameters:
group_id (str) – The id of group
- Returns:
Response with details
- Return type:
- async get_list_membership() ProvenaInterfaces.AuthAPI.ListUserMembershipResponse [source]
Gets the list of groups user is member of
- Returns:
List and details
- Return type:
- async get_list_group_members(group_id: str) ProvenaInterfaces.AuthAPI.ListMembersResponse [source]
Lists the members of a given group
- Parameters:
group_id (str) – The group to lookup
- Returns:
- Return type:
- async get_check_membership(group_id: str) ProvenaInterfaces.AuthAPI.CheckMembershipResponse [source]
Checks if user is in specific group
- Parameters:
group_id (str) – The group to check
- Returns:
In group?
- Return type:
- async get_link_lookup_username(username: ProvenaInterfaces.AuthAPI.Optional[str] = None) ProvenaInterfaces.AuthAPI.UserLinkUserLookupResponse [source]
Looks up either current user or specified user
- Parameters:
username (Optional[str], optional) – The username if not current user. Defaults to None.
- Returns:
The response indicating link
- Return type:
- async post_link_assign(body: ProvenaInterfaces.AuthAPI.UserLinkUserAssignRequest) ProvenaInterfaces.AuthAPI.UserLinkUserAssignResponse [source]
Assigns link to current user.
- Parameters:
body (UserLinkUserAssignRequest) – The link to assign
- Returns:
The response indicating success
- Return type:
- async post_link_validate(body: ProvenaInterfaces.AuthAPI.UserLinkUserAssignRequest) ProvenaInterfaces.AuthAPI.UserLinkUserValidateResponse [source]
Validates link before making it.
- Parameters:
body (UserLinkUserAssignRequest) – The link to assign
- Returns:
- Return type:
- class provenaclient.modules.Link(auth: provenaclient.auth.manager.AuthManager, config: provenaclient.utils.config.Config, auth_client: provenaclient.clients.AuthClient)[source]
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth manager which allows for helper functions abstracted for L3 clients.
- _auth_client: provenaclient.clients.AuthClient
- _auth
- _config
- class provenaclient.modules.Prov(auth: provenaclient.modules.module_helpers.AuthManager, config: provenaclient.modules.module_helpers.Config, prov_client: provenaclient.clients.ProvClient)[source]
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth manager which allows for helper functions abstracted for L3 clients.
- _prov_client: provenaclient.clients.ProvClient
- _auth
- _config
- _prov_api_client
- admin
- async get_health_check() provenaclient.models.general.HealthCheckResponse [source]
Checks the health status of the PROV-API.
- Returns:
Response containing the PROV-API health information.
- Return type:
- async update_model_run(model_run_id: str, reason: str, record: ProvenaInterfaces.ProvenanceAPI.ModelRunRecord) ProvenaInterfaces.ProvenanceAPI.PostUpdateModelRunResponse [source]
Updates an existing model run with new information.
This function triggers an asynchronous update of a model run. The update is processed as a job, and the job session ID is returned for tracking the update progress.
- Parameters:
model_run_id (str) – The ID of the model run to update
reason (str) – The reason for updating the model run
record (ModelRunRecord) – The new model run record details
- Returns:
Response containing the job session ID tracking the update
- Return type:
```python response = await prov_api.update_model_run(
model_run_id=”10378.1/1234567”, reason=”Updating input dataset information”, record=updated_model_run_record
) # Get the session ID to track progress session_id = response.session_id ```
- async explore_upstream(starting_id: str, depth: int = PROV_API_DEFAULT_SEARCH_DEPTH) provenaclient.models.general.CustomLineageResponse [source]
Explores in the upstream direction (inputs/associations) starting at the specified node handle ID. The search depth is bounded by the depth parameter which has a default maximum of 100.
- Parameters:
starting_id (str) – The ID of the entity to start at.
depth (int, optional) – The depth to traverse in the upstream direction, by default 100.
- Returns:
A typed response containing the status, node count, and networkx serialised graph response.
- Return type:
- async explore_downstream(starting_id: str, depth: int = PROV_API_DEFAULT_SEARCH_DEPTH) provenaclient.models.general.CustomLineageResponse [source]
Explores in the downstream direction (inputs/associations) starting at the specified node handle ID. The search depth is bounded by the depth parameter which has a default maximum of 100.
- Parameters:
starting_id (str) – The ID of the entity to start at.
depth (int, optional) – The depth to traverse in the downstream direction, by default 100
- Returns:
A typed response containing the status, node count, and networkx serialised graph response.
- Return type:
- async get_contributing_datasets(starting_id: str, depth: int = PROV_API_DEFAULT_SEARCH_DEPTH) provenaclient.models.general.CustomLineageResponse [source]
Fetches datasets (inputs) which involved in a model run naturally in the upstream direction.
- Parameters:
starting_id (str) – The ID of the entity to start at.
depth (int, optional) – The depth to traverse in the upstream direction, by default 100
- Returns:
A typed response containing the status, node count, and networkx serialised graph response.
- Return type:
- async get_effected_datasets(starting_id: str, depth: int = PROV_API_DEFAULT_SEARCH_DEPTH) provenaclient.models.general.CustomLineageResponse [source]
Fetches datasets (outputs) which are derived from the model run naturally in the downstream direction.
- Parameters:
starting_id (str) – The ID of the entity to start at.
depth (int, optional) – The depth to traverse in the downstream direction, by default 100.
- Returns:
A typed response containing the status, node count, and networkx serialised graph response.
- Return type:
- async get_contributing_agents(starting_id: str, depth: int = PROV_API_DEFAULT_SEARCH_DEPTH) provenaclient.models.general.CustomLineageResponse [source]
Fetches agents (organisations or peoples) that are involved or impacted by the model run. naturally in the upstream direction.
- Parameters:
starting_id (str) – The ID of the entity to start at.
depth (int, optional) – The depth to traverse in the upstream direction, by default 100.
- Returns:
A typed response containing the status, node count, and networkx serialised graph response.
- Return type:
- async get_effected_agents(starting_id: str, depth: int = PROV_API_DEFAULT_SEARCH_DEPTH) provenaclient.models.general.CustomLineageResponse [source]
Fetches agents (organisations or peoples) that are involved or impacted by the model run. naturally in the downstream direction.
- Parameters:
starting_id (str) – The ID of the entity to start at.
depth (int, optional) – The depth to traverse in the downstream direction, by default 100.
- Returns:
A typed response containing the status, node count, and networkx serialised graph response.
- Return type:
- async register_batch_model_runs(batch_model_run_payload: ProvenaInterfaces.ProvenanceAPI.RegisterBatchModelRunRequest) ProvenaInterfaces.ProvenanceAPI.RegisterBatchModelRunResponse [source]
This function allows you to register multiple model runs in one go (batch) asynchronously.
Note: You can utilise the returned session ID to poll on the JOB API to check status of the model run registration(s).
- Parameters:
batch_model_run_payload (RegisterBatchModelRunRequest) – A list of model runs (ModelRunRecord objects)
- Returns:
The job session id derived from job-api for the model-run batch.
- Return type:
- async register_model_run(model_run_payload: ProvenaInterfaces.ProvenanceAPI.ModelRunRecord) ProvenaInterfaces.ProvenanceAPI.RegisterModelRunResponse [source]
Asynchronously registers a single model run.
Note: You can utilise the returned session ID to poll on the JOB API to check status of the model run registration.
- Parameters:
model_run_payload (ModelRunRecord) – Contains information needed for the model run such as workflow template, inputs, outputs, description etc.
- Returns:
The job session id derived from job-api for the model-run.
- Return type:
- async generate_csv_template(workflow_template_id: str, file_path: provenaclient.utils.exceptions.Optional[str] = None, write_to_csv: bool = False) str [source]
Generates a model run csv template to be utilised for creating model runs through csv format..
- Parameters:
workflow_template_id (str) – An ID of a created and existing model run workflow template.
path_to_save_csv (str, optional) – The path you want to save the csv file at WITH csv file name. If you don’t specify a path this will be saved in a relative directory.
write_to_csv (bool, By default False) – A boolean flag to indicate whether you want to save the template to a csv file or not.
- Returns:
- Return type:
Response containing the csv template text (encoded in a csv format).
- async convert_model_runs(model_run_content: str) ProvenaInterfaces.ProvenanceAPI.ConvertModelRunsResponse [source]
Converts model run with model_run_content provided as a string.
- Parameters:
model_run_content (str) – The model run information containing the necessary parameters for model run lodge.
- Returns:
Returns the model run information in an interactive python datatype.
- Return type:
- Raises:
Exception – Exception raised when converting string to bytes.
- async convert_model_runs_to_csv_with_file(file_path: str) ProvenaInterfaces.ProvenanceAPI.ConvertModelRunsResponse [source]
Reads a CSV file, and it’s defined model run contents and lodges a model run.
- Parameters:
file_path (str) – The path of an existing created CSV file containing the necessary parameters for model run lodge.
- Returns:
Returns the model run information in an interactive python datatype.
- Return type:
- async regenerate_csv_from_model_run_batch(batch_id: str, file_path: provenaclient.utils.exceptions.Optional[str] = None, write_to_csv: bool = False) str [source]
Regenerate/create a csv file containing model run information from a model run batch job.
The batch id must exist in the system.
- Parameters:
batch_id (str) – Obtained from creating a batch model run.
file_path (str, optional) – The path you want to save the csv file at WITH CSV file name. If you don’t specify a path this will be saved in a relative directory.
write_to_csv (bool, By default False) – A boolean flag to indicate whether you want to save the template to a csv file or not.
- Returns:
- Return type:
Response containing the model run information (encoded in csv format).
- async generate_report(report_request: ProvenaInterfaces.ProvenanceAPI.GenerateReportRequest, file_path: str = DEFAULT_RELATIVE_FILE_PATH) None [source]
Generates a provenance report from a Study or Model Run Entity containing the associated inputs, model runs and outputs involved.
The report is generated in .docx and saved at relative directory level.
- Parameters:
report_request (GenerateReportRequest) – The request object containing the parameters for generating the report, including the id, item_subtype, and depth.
- class provenaclient.modules.Registry(auth: provenaclient.modules.module_helpers.AuthManager, config: provenaclient.modules.module_helpers.Config, registry_client: provenaclient.clients.RegistryClient)[source]
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth manager which allows for helper functions abstracted for L3 clients.
- _registry_client: provenaclient.clients.RegistryClient
- admin: RegistryAdminClient
- organisation: OrganisationClient
- person: PersonClient
- model: ModelClient
- model_run_workflow: ModelRunWorkFlowClient
- dataset_template: DatasetTemplateClient
- dataset: DatasetClient
- study: StudyClient
- create_activity: CreateActivityClient
- version_acitvity: VersionActivityClient
- model_run: ModelRunActivityClient
- _auth
- _config
- async get_health_check() provenaclient.models.general.HealthCheckResponse [source]
Health check the API
- Returns:
- Return type:
- async list_general_registry_items(general_list_request: ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.GeneralListRequest) ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.PaginatedListResponse [source]
Lists general registry items based on filter criteria.
- Parameters:
general_list_request (GeneralListRequest) – The request containing filter and sort criteria.
- Returns:
The response containing the paginated list of registry items.
- Return type:
- async list_registry_items_with_count() ProvenaInterfaces.RegistryAPI.Dict[str, int] [source]
Retrieves a count of items in the registry, grouped by their subtypes.
This method sends requests to list items in the registry and counts the number of items for each subtype. It handles pagination to ensure all items are counted.
- Returns:
A dictionary where the keys are item subtypes(string) and the values are the count of items for each subtype.
- Return type:
Dict[str, int]
- class provenaclient.modules.IDService(auth: provenaclient.modules.module_helpers.AuthManager, config: provenaclient.modules.module_helpers.Config, id_service_client: provenaclient.clients.IdServiceClient)[source]
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth manager which allows for helper functions abstracted for L3 clients.
- _id_service_client: provenaclient.clients.IdServiceClient
- _auth
- _config
- id_service_client
- async mint(body: ProvenaInterfaces.HandleAPI.MintRequest) ProvenaInterfaces.HandleAPI.Handle [source]
Mints a new handle with given properties.
- Parameters:
body (MintRequest) – The payload
- Returns:
The resulting handle object
- Return type:
- async add_value(body: ProvenaInterfaces.HandleAPI.AddValueRequest) ProvenaInterfaces.HandleAPI.Handle [source]
Adds value to a handle.
- Parameters:
body (AddValueRequest) – The value to add
- Returns:
The handle object
- Return type:
- async add_value_by_index(body: ProvenaInterfaces.HandleAPI.AddValueIndexRequest) ProvenaInterfaces.HandleAPI.Handle [source]
Adds a value at specified index
- Parameters:
body (AddValueIndexRequest) – The value to add
- Returns:
The handle object
- Return type:
- async list() ProvenaInterfaces.HandleAPI.ListResponse [source]
Lists all handles under domain.
- Returns:
The response list
- Return type:
- class provenaclient.modules.JobService(auth: provenaclient.modules.module_helpers.AuthManager, config: provenaclient.modules.module_helpers.Config, job_api_client: provenaclient.clients.JobAPIClient)[source]
This class interface just captures that the client has an instantiated auth manager which allows for helper functions abstracted for L3 clients.
- _job_api_client: provenaclient.clients.JobAPIClient
- admin: JobAdminSubService
- _auth
- _config
- async get_health_check() provenaclient.models.HealthCheckResponse [source]
Health check the API
- Returns:
- Return type:
- async fetch_job(session_id: str) ProvenaInterfaces.AsyncJobAPI.GetJobResponse [source]
Fetches a job by session id
- Parameters:
session_id (str) – The session ID
- Returns:
The job fetched
- Return type:
- async list_jobs(list_jobs_request: ProvenaInterfaces.AsyncJobAPI.ListJobsRequest) ProvenaInterfaces.AsyncJobAPI.ListJobsResponse [source]
Lists all jobs for the given user
Can return pagination if page size exceeded
- Parameters:
list_jobs_request (ListJobsRequest) – The request including details
- Returns:
The list of jobs
- Return type:
- async list_all_jobs(list_jobs_request: ProvenaInterfaces.AsyncJobAPI.ListJobsRequest, limit: ProvenaInterfaces.AsyncJobAPI.Optional[int] = None) List[ProvenaInterfaces.AsyncJobAPI.JobStatusTable] [source]
Lists all jobs for the given user.
Will automatically paginate until list is exhausted.
- Parameters:
list_jobs_request (ListJobsRequest) – The request including details
limit (Optional[int]) – Total record limit to enforce, if any
- Returns:
The list of jobs
- Return type:
- async for_all_jobs(list_jobs_request: ProvenaInterfaces.AsyncJobAPI.ListJobsRequest, limit: ProvenaInterfaces.AsyncJobAPI.Optional[int] = None) AsyncGenerator[ProvenaInterfaces.AsyncJobAPI.JobStatusTable, None] [source]
Lists all jobs for the given user.
Returns lazy generator for use in for loops.
Will automatically paginate until list is exhausted.
- Parameters:
list_jobs_request (ListJobsRequest) – The request including details
limit (Optional[int]) – Total record limit to enforce, if any
- Returns:
The list of jobs
- Return type:
- async list_jobs_in_batch(list_request: ProvenaInterfaces.AsyncJobAPI.ListByBatchRequest) ProvenaInterfaces.AsyncJobAPI.ListByBatchResponse [source]
Gets all jobs within a batch.
Can return pagination if page size exceeded
- Parameters:
list_request (ListByBatchRequest) – The request including batch ID
- Returns:
The response including list of jobs
- Return type:
- async list_all_jobs_in_batch(list_request: ProvenaInterfaces.AsyncJobAPI.ListByBatchRequest, limit: ProvenaInterfaces.AsyncJobAPI.Optional[int] = None) List[ProvenaInterfaces.AsyncJobAPI.JobStatusTable] [source]
Lists all jobs for the given user. Will automatically paginate all entries to exhaust list
NOTE this could return more than limit - but figure it may as well return data fetched for efficiency reasons
- Parameters:
list_jobs_request (ListJobsRequest) – The request including details
limit (Optional[int]) – Total record limit to enforce, if any
- Returns:
The list of jobs
- Return type:
- async for_all_jobs_in_batch(list_request: ProvenaInterfaces.AsyncJobAPI.ListByBatchRequest, limit: ProvenaInterfaces.AsyncJobAPI.Optional[int] = None) AsyncGenerator[ProvenaInterfaces.AsyncJobAPI.JobStatusTable, None] [source]
Lists all jobs for the given user. Will automatically paginate all entries to exhaust list
NOTE this could return more than limit - but figure it may as well return data fetched for efficiency reasons
- Parameters:
list_jobs_request (ListJobsRequest) – The request including details
limit (Optional[int]) – Total record limit to enforce, if any
- Returns:
The list of jobs
- Return type:
- async await_job_completion(session_id: str, settings: provenaclient.models.AsyncAwaitSettings = DEFAULT_AWAIT_SETTINGS) ProvenaInterfaces.AsyncJobAPI.JobStatusTable [source]
Awaits completion of a given job then provides the job info.
Completion is defined as a job status which is not pending or in progress.
- Parameters:
session_id (str) – The ID of the job to monitor and await completion.
- Returns:
The entry at the latest point.
- Return type:
- async await_successful_job_completion(session_id: str, settings: provenaclient.models.AsyncAwaitSettings = DEFAULT_AWAIT_SETTINGS) ProvenaInterfaces.AsyncJobAPI.JobStatusTable [source]
Awaits successful completion of a given job then provides the job info.
Completion is defined as a job status which is not pending or in progress.
- Parameters:
session_id (str) – The ID of the job to monitor and await completion.
- Returns:
The entry at the latest point.
- Return type: